Large Scale Central

Locolinc Frequency

As Stan is putting together who is bringing what to run on what frequencies at Marty Cozad’s, the question came up “what is Locolinc’s frequency?” Anybody know? Thanks in advance.

It’s always been 75MC…you looking for how many numbers past the decimal?

You know first hand what the issues are, now others might, when you need a “frequency king” to sort out the newcomers.

Highly entertaining.
I have a first-hand report on what happens when the second handheld on the same frequency gets turned on.

What I don’t know is if it is the same result at 65MPH as at 5MPH.

Could be highly entertaining…especially if one has a camera.

75.410MC, to be precise…all of them.

I know what happens when 2 transmitters get on the same frequency in RC aircraft…and it ain’t pretty. But…then again it couldn’t be any worse for trains than having both JJ and Stan with transmitters in hand regardless of frequency…:lol:

You guys planning on doing the clothes pin thingy like they do in RC aircraft?


Nah, its nothing like the airplane thing. Stan is just readying his excuses. Thanks Dave, I figures you know.