Large Scale Central

Local train swap meet

Yesterday I went to a local train swap meet clear on the other side of Portland out in Forest Grove. The meet was attended by many. Nothing to speak of in goofy gauge but lots of N & HO stuff with a scattering of Lionel/Flyer. Enjoyed chatting with some old friends so it was worth the trip. Some money must have passed through hands as people were carrying bags of goodies.
Next month another local swap meet over in Vancouver which might be interesting.


When and where? My lovely bride’s grandchildren live in Vancouver, WA, so I might be able to convince her to make the trip.



I just found out about the swap meet in Vancouver Washington while I was attending the local meet.

I’ll find out tomorrow the when-where as I might be heading down to the local train store. I need some nickel & dime stuff and I know it will make their day !!
