Large Scale Central

Live Train Show

We are going to have a Live Train show on Aug. 14th 2010 (Sat. evening) at 6pm for about 4hrs…
It our Get-together Trains run & BBq group.
Here is the link to watch it live.

The Link is our 24/7 Internet Broadcast that has Videos of past show now…

We have aprox 6oo ft of R.R. that we run Track and Batt power with off and on Remote Tug and maybe barge going thru our swing bridge and have trains stop on block signals…
Well have some live interview of stuff our guest and chat at the BBq.
Are setting up a small network with Michael G and Regal in NEB. to do the live cam by moving around on three computers.
Hope to see ya here.

I will be live from my layout also moderating those guy’s in California weather permitting and the skeeters don’t get too bad, so come join us for some fun!! Regal

Ok fella’s today is the day of the “live” show. Come join us, we will be on for approx. 7hrs. I will start live sometime early around 3pm MST and then when Noel is ready we will switch to his layout for the BBQ and train run he is doing out there. During breaks he will send it to me, where I will send it time permitting to St. Louis and Geoff George’s layout there! Should be interesting Noel has some upgraded equipment now thanks to his friend Michael Galvin so no long delay. With that I think he said 4sec delay!!! So come and pop in with us and say hi and where you are from in the “live” chat window, stay as long as you can, tell your buddies to come in also and view and chat!! We will be on till 10pm give or take a little California time. I will do a sort of informal pre-show till Noel is ready. Regal

Yup… Today it our Live train show with Jerry H. in NEB. He is help & hosting our show in our studio from Sacto Ca.
We will be off and on with live shots before our 6 pm (Pacifies time zone.) show that we hope will run for approx 4 hrs. Jerry H.( Regal) will be switching cam from difference layouts off and on if some of the hook up live can be made by the Regal on our network sys.

Besides watching on here, you can also go to our Internet link that has the chat box on it and we can ans. any question there live.

Hope to see ya drop in.

Enjoyed the last show you did from your GRR. Here on the East Coast, I’ll probably fall asleep half way through the show :wink:
But I’ll try to keep the “lids” open as long as possible :smiley:

We are broadcasting "live NOW on both Noel’s channel and also mine for the next 6 hrs. both from my site and Noel’s show will start at 6pm California time. Regal

It’s 8pm and we are having tech difficulties livestream has had a major outage, and or AT&T out in Los A. Cal. they are trying to fix as we speak we were going to go till 10pm Cal time if we can get back on we will post or keep checking. If we can get back on may do hopefully a shortened version. Regal/Noel

We are back on live and Noel may go an extra hour till 11pm out in California time. So come back and join us the problem got fixed!!! Regal

Sorry for the big outage in Los Angles that shut down most of AT&T service on getting out of CA. on there cables… That what was told from an agent in India. laf… But She stuck with me tracing out the connection and trying to re-route our conection…
There problems was also not able to get any further than Miss. and guess that what Happen to Regals Ph. sys. that also shut down on conection in to NYC. to our server. Not still sure how that afected Regal up there thro???
East coast was able to get in to our studio as you seen BoB Grosh in Fla. did to help out with tracing out how far we lost the conection in to NYC.
I didn’t like the anymore than any one else did but I was on the Ph over an Hr. with AT&T.
So there was a lot of confusion here to with the train Group running trains due was tied up and not able to keep a lot of small problems at bay.
The layout here is pertty conplex until new people learn how to run our R.R.
So sorry for the interuptions and hope to have better shows in the future with our network and Train Group.
Tks again for putting up with us … Noel & Regal.

No need to apologize for things not under your control.
You just have to have another party and do it all over again :wink:

I was wundrin what happened. It didn’t work for me as well.

Yeah, What the ole fellar said above, and I third you guys emotions. Need to have more! I’m setting up a permanent area in my yard to be able to broadcast more often too!! I have made several improvements to my layout both functional, and scenery, buildings, and such!! Once the mosquitoes quit hopefully sometime in Sept. I will be out broadcasting from the layout often!! So check into my channel and Noel’s often to see whatz up. I usually post when going “live” on here, and over there! (the other site) so check in. We have a new group member as of Friday. I’d like to introduce him here. He is Mike Curry of California, and is a real whiz bang at building things and or trees and such. He just got his camera yesterday, and I’m sure he will be broadcasting in the near future. Very interesting fellow trains, he does business cards, and is a DJ also. Plays some good 60’s music on his videos. The kind us ole guys like!! I’m putting a link in here to his channel check him out and his you tube videos too. He’s a neat guy, you’ll see once you get to know him. Regal

We are doing another “live” show Saturday morning from Noel’s layout out in California. 9am PST 10am MST I will be moderating and showing things from my layout here in West Ne. too. Come in and join us for a couple hours or so!!

“live” show to start in about an hour from out in California from Noels layout, come see the many improvements he’s made and equipment upgrades!! Hope to see you all in there. Regal

We are “live” NOW if you would like to join us