Large Scale Central

Live cams

Seems like there are a lot of live RR cams to absorb our time with.

For example, here’s a nice sunny spot near some rails in Goolwa Wharf, South Australia. The nice woman in the white dress has consumed about 4 times as much as I’ve had all day, good for her. But since it’s live cam, you won’t see her, or the trains I didn’t see. But it’s fun.

Sky web cam on the BNSF (Skykomish for your non locals).

Start of the 2.2% grade up and over Stevens Pass. WB will stop short of the crossing to meet EB. This is the West end of the siding.

Virtual Railcams has a bunch to watch, but you have to pay for it


So, click-baiting going is allowed during the Mik?

The Steam Ranger group run a few heritage broad gauge trains to the area. It’s a nice day out. The wharf is also a Gin Distillery.

Well here’s your Current Offset: UTC/GMT +10:30 hours times to click:

Steam Ranger
Cockle Train

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It’s a diversionary tactic. Don’t fall for it and “git 'er done”

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But it’s always dark when I look at that cam.

Looks like it’s 7 am tomorrow there, from the camera feed. You don’t see it?


Got any live cams of this ?
BTW …are we distracting Bill correctly ?

Yes dammit! I can’t un-see that.

You two “cocky” elders are setting a bad “eggample” for us newbies. Birds of a feather… I now also suspect there may be dating advice to be somewhere on this website.

I have to ask a question that I feel I will really truly regret. Did Rooster get his nickname because he is the LCS “chick-magnet”.

Oh, and speaking of nicknames, what are the origins of Hollywood?

Ralph Berg noted all my pics were in sunglasses :sunglasses:

Another ah-ha moment.

Oh what a missed opportunity.
I should have called fowl, I mean foul on the click bait. :chicken:

Rooster, you’re doing great with the distraction component. Excellent choice of videos, well done!!

However… If Bill’s “Herself” gets wind of this thread and your video, I’m not sure how well things will go for Bill. Or us, for that matter. On the other hand, perhaps that’s your next round of distraction tactic? If so, I applaud you, Sir.


Hell I don’t care as I’m only the messenger rooster. You give me a quarter and I will give you the newspaper .

No. (a) the time stamp is off the screen to the right on my laptop [websites set up for proportional mode on a mobile don’t shrink on a real screen,] and (b) I hit LSC around lunch, so it’s 03:45 there at the moment.

Dammit Cliff

I’ve got wood to glue!

Now, I’m going to have to use Craig’s secret knowledge to slow the Mik down…

…and distract Dave Taylor too. :point_left:Click there not below.


Oh crap, now I’m stuck on that page too.

Ooh and now it’s snowing!