Large Scale Central

Lincoln color test

First casting painting experiment. The vest is a very deep burgundy that isn’t coming out too well on photos.

I’m shooting for a more washed out, end of the war Lincoln, but the colors seem too vibrant in the images. Think I’m going to have to add more blue to the skin tone.

The color looks pretty good to me.

I love the definition in the face, it’s amazing. I’m still struggling to reach that level.

Looks like you have it down pretty good to me Ray.

thats a nice figure.
That man told -by the way- lots of interesting things:

one of my favourites:

“Nearly all men can stand adversity. But if you want to test a man’s character - give him power.”


I did not know Lincoln said that, but it is one of my most favorite quotes too.

Very, very nice.
I must apologize. I had a brain fart and addressed you by someone elses name on another forum.
You had already posted…so it wouldn’t let me edit.
So Sorry

Hey, no problem Ralph. Ive had about a hundred different names in my life, counting nick names, pet names abreviations and corruptions of my last name. As long as people are willing to forgive me for committing the same error I don’t mind :wink: