Large Scale Central

LGB's "high end" releases this year

LGB’s new releases are looking pretty sharp. Out of my price range, but drooling is free.

Their German locos from a year or two ago were stunning, with multiple lights and steam outputs. Not sure if this is the same thing, but really beautiful.

I’m glad whenever new products come out, whatever the price point. Feels encouraging.


Well by my math if you spend 4k on this and keep it in the box for X amount of years someone…ahhh never mind it will never be collectible like Amtrak crap so why waste the money?

I do kinda want one though even if I don’t know what it is!

Like I said, out of MY price range…

But yeah YOU should get one, heck!

I wish I could get at the original advert for it, talking about all the places smoke came out, all the lights, all the hatches that really opened up…

But, I’d think, “an indoor girl.”


Wow!!! That three truck would look great on the mantel.

I agree. But which one? Or maybe all three? Hey, retirement reshmirement! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Look at the backhead detail…

I gotta ask, who in their right mind would advertise a 4 thousand dollar Shay locomotive and show you only the blank side in the ads lead pictures???

Well, they’re yet to be released… maybe the cylinders are still being worked on? Wouldn’t want to show a big rectangular hole there… Just guessing, Rick :grin:

The old farts are going to bitch and moan about the price and then pick it apart. Thats what old folks do.

Well, I have to say I do that too…

But, I differ from the wise old farts (WOF), in that I’m a foolish old fart (FOF) who’s now dreaming of making a fireplace just to have a mantle to park one of those on, haha!

I won’t get there though, my wise old wife (WOW) would kill me long before I set the first cinder block on the living room carpet.

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I better stick with Amtrak!

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I would love that Shay, especially given it will be R1 capable, something no other offereing has been, but $4k is a deal breaker. I won’t even fork out the $900 for a Uintah mallet.

I may be an old fart, well OK i am an old Fart, but I am not bitching or complaining about the price and could care less about picking it apart.

Just thought it was a stupid move on the part of the advertising department.

We have a weakness for trams. I shouldn’t have shown CINCHOUSE the price tag! On the other hand, food is also important…

With these offerings I have only one thought. “Ahoardable” :+1: :innocent:

Love the new shays! Hope one day they will offer a model of a Cass Scenic railroad shay.

I agree Nicholas, especially the beast, No. 6! I recently read that when Cass received her, she was practically brand new.

Welcome aboard Nicholas, make yourself at home and join in with a bit of where your from and what you model. Pics are always welcome.

I’ve seen the Lionel O gauge model. It’s the Godzilla of Shays. I would want one in G even if it was a shelf queen.

I saw this at the recent GSMTS show at MD State Fairgrounds, on the Baltimore Society of Model Engineers layout. It is an O scale Shay by MTH, a mythical #7, a very sweet engine.
