Large Scale Central


I have an older LGB starter set that has not been used in several years. It was stored in the original box.
I set it up, plugged in the transformer, and got power to the accessories but only occasionally to the track.
I checked the connection from the transformer to the track and it is tight. The rails are snug with no gaps.
The engines (two of them) worked for just about one small circular loop when they just stopped.
I tried it again, the engines started briefly and now no power at all. Still, the accessory is energized so I know the transformer works.
Can you tell me what might be the problem? Thank you

Hi Bob,
Try it with one engine.
The starter set power supply is too small for two engines.
And even too small for one big engine such as a mogul.

Probably time for a new bigger transformer.


I think I did not ask the question properly. I only used one engine at a time. I tried alternating them as a way to rule out a problem with equipment.
The transformer that came with the original set should be sufficient to power one engine and no cars.

So I think the problem may be with the track or connection (I am getting power to one small accessory which is a signal light so the transformer appears to be working). I even disconnected that accessory to avoid any unnecessary power drain.

Any idea regarding the track?

Because the accessory output is working, doesn’t mean the DC output to the rails is working.
Or working correctly.

Transformer could have a weakened circuit trip.
Try the train with another transformer.
If they run, you have your answer.

Get a meter.
Check the track at all the joints with the power turned up. (No trains)
If you go the entire route at say, 15 volts, (Or whatever you set it at) the wiring and connections are ok.

Get a meter to check if you need a new transformer or just go buy a bigger transformer and resolve the problem without all the testing.

I’ll ask, just in case - Have you cleaned the track (rail tops)?
