“… the track cleaning loco is in the current Marklin/LGB catalog, number 21670 … who said it is no longer made? …”
Bought this unit MNIB at ST’16.
Glad to hear when our unit finally powers up (in one piece) on the railheads, it will perform !!
! 'short ’ story/novel ?
. . . . .
After getting back from a spring road trip right after St’16, I finally unpacked the marklin p/n 21670 (nice bright orange red)
When I unwrapped my unit that day to run outdoors I did actually hear a faint rattle and just thought it was a moving portion of the front ‘cleaning’ motor/action. Noticed rain had started, so headed down to the indoor layout with it back in its styro’, but when I set it down on my indoor layout track the front end detached from the back main cab section. Only held together by the wiring cable. Thought at first it was just a simple unattached coupler problem, ALAS when I moved the two sections further apart found (p/n E132046 - drehpunktauflage
) had broken down into at least 4 pieces with screws and washers still attached to a couple.
I spent sometime on the workbench carefully disassembling to access/remove the defective part.
*The factory must have a special wrench to access the cowling screws as application of a screwdriver is not direct which means careful removal to prevent stripping the head with conventional 'driver.
And then very carefully wiggling to relieve a still very tight pressure-fitted cowling from the main body of the loco.
Need to remove cowling, to access the screw head position at top of pedestal and mounting screws either side (when part is in original design shape).
Similiar to what needs to be done with new cars these days (ex. remove a engine w/specialty tools to access one separate hidden unattached part).
Called the regional reseller within the hour He said he was placing a order with them at end of week. Will be about 3 wks. Interim used the marklin online contact form to ask if there is a history of this part failing as it looked to be a defective resin mold pour… Did not hear from our regional reseller so emailed them, actually responded with sorry nothing done will initiate. I figured that I’ve heard this before , so subsequently used the Marklin email address option asking if part available, which initiated a response in less than 24hrs by a very exceptional CSR presumed manning a desk in Germany. First contact jun 13th, decided I would pay for 2 packages (concerned it was resin failure and did not want to have to reach out again, asking how much and btw here are pics of the defective parts) She responded a couple days later they would be sending 2 packages for free. Shpg dept finally sent on CanadaDay received a week later (while I was out of town) small parcel in mailbox via DHL, containing the requested 2 packages which surprisingly contain two pieces … so I’m set for my usage lifespan
Oh neither CanadaCustoms nor Canada Post, stuck out their sticky fingers for a handling fee nor gst ! They must have seen via xray that it was replacement parts ! And amazed at how fast this package arrived in western Canada mailbox from Germany (items from the usoa, avg. 20 days !)
Alas, since I’ve had other projects to work on this summer, have not sat down yet to fit things back together, … and clean track for the first time with this 21670 !
And still never heard of any followup from our previously terrific regional reseller ! Will be reaching out to him, when I’m in an appropriate mood 
Planning ahead in addition to the main unit purchased 2 packages of the replacement tires, (Massoth p/n 8314102, $24cdn), from the regional reseller.
BTW pre and post purchase research involved googling for info on the product no mention ever seen of any other unit having this type of problem. Although I had come across a vid’ which i thought showed a unit running w/o the cowling in place. Surprisingly, can’t find that vid’ post-purchase to ask them if they had similiar occurence of ‘uncoupling’.
doug c
Tip: Use the marklin service email address !
don’t fill out marklins online contact form as it took over 3 weeks for a response to my first query — if there was any history of defective units, from another marklin csr and wondering if covered by warranty !? I have not responded back (as the first successful marklin contact was still in process) yet to that late response person … but plan to with the good news that another csr (another office ?) responded in the positive more quickly 
_another tip: this ex. part has 3 diff. p/n, the one in the manual/parts listing, is the one Marklin actually uses !