Large Scale Central

LGB Three Way Switch

Do you think its possible to modify the LGB 3 way switch to permit a Aristocraft C16 to get through? Maybe cut off the leads and add wide diameter curves on the ends?

That doesn’t change the radius of the point though. I thought the C16 was already R1 capable? The older Delton based version was.

That three way switch is useless, unless you are running small European rolling stock and locos. No…the frogs are not convertable…as far as modificating it…you are wasting your time. Sell it for big bucks on Evil Bay, then buy a custom made switch to suit your needs.

But was the Delton C16 R1 capable?

According to George Schreyer the Aristo C-16 handles R1 just fine.

On the suitability of the 3-way - it’s perfect if you like to wear hairshirts, bang your head against a wall and other such entertainment. If there are problems with original LGB cars and engines when the train is being pushed across the turnout in either diverging route … then there’s (a problem).
They are so wonderful I decided to rebuild my staging yard - all handlaid turnouts (strictly for quality assurance!). :wink: :slight_smile:

whats a hairshirt?

I think he means wool or cashmere type shirts that are itchy as all to wear :wink:

patrick beres said:
whats a hairshirt?
[url=]Hair Shirt[/url]

Could be worse, some people are knitting a full sweaters out of their pet’s hair.

I’ll stick with Webster:

Definition of HAIR SHIRT
: a shirt made of rough animal hair worn next to the skin as a penance
: one that irritates like a hair shirt
Examples of HAIR SHIRT

<the constant need to cut costs was a hair shirt, but one that the theater company had to live with>

First Known Use of HAIR SHIRT
14th century
Related to HAIR SHIRT
Synonyms: aggravation, aggro [British], bother, botheration, bugbear, exasperation, frustration, annoyance, hassle, headache, inconvenience, irk, irritant, nuisance, peeve, pest, rub, ruffle, thorn, trial, vexation


It all works out the same; the intriguing part for the other site is

WG said:
clear answers for common questions.

:wink: :slight_smile:

I was more concerned with the very narrow, religious only explanation, rather than the common usage today. It’s interesting, but very narrow explanation.

Also, try a number of different “explanations” from the home page… looks like 90% of the stuff is from ONE person: Tricia Ellis-Christensen

I’ll stick to Websters, this other site is a notch worse than Wikipedia.


Greg Elmassian said:
I was more concerned with the very narrow, religious only explanation, rather than the common usage today. It's interesting, but very narrow explanation.

Also, try a number of different “explanations” from the home page… looks like 90% of the stuff is from ONE person: Tricia Ellis-Christensen

I’ll stick to Websters, this other site is a notch worse than Wikipedia.


Yeah, but the dictionaries are not half as entertaining as some of the other stuff. :lol: :lol: Greg, you take that stuff too seriously or did you think that “Uncle Lewis” is the only one with his own special gospel?

Humour on:

It should be mandatory for any store which sells computers to also sell boxes of salt. For all the occasions when more than a pinch is required.

Humour off!

Yeah, it was sort of entertaining, but it needed more humor.

The problem is that many people SWEAR by Wikipedia, for example, which often has wrong information. It’s an interesting age we live in where someone can spend $100, put up an official looking site, and people will believe anything on it.

I really did want to know the common meaning of hair shirt!!

Now, if that other site had defined hair shirt as actually using feathers from a G scale rooster, and only ones scaled 1:20.3, THAT would have been funny!

(uh oh, I better duck!)


by the way, since we have derailed this thread like running a USAT passenger car through an LGB 3 way switch, do you live where they make that good ice cream?

My husband Patrick asked about the hairshirt but a real hairshirt is one of those spun from dog hair from the seller in Baker, Montana. Kind of creepy idea but they sell for $50 each! Maybe the fellow whom mentioned the nairshirt in the first place was banging his head against the wall because he had an itch from the dog hair, Patricia.

Back in Ontario (previous life) I had a big cream and red Siberian husky who shed enough that one of my friends actually collected the fur. No, I didn’t want to know what she would be knitting. :lol:

We sold our 13 ewes and 2 bucks so we didnt have to shear them anymore but it sounds like yall want to get into dog grooming so come on over and we’ll sell you our electric shear or trade you for a three way switch.