I have a LGB Sumpter Mallet (DCC) which has broken locating pin and sideways restrictor pin on the front power bogie/block.
I have been able to get correct spare motor block top with intact pins.
… But, unlike the Uintah mallet, there does not seem to be a straight forward method of being able to separate the top section of the boiler from the bottom to access the screws which screw into the locating pins on the top part of the block and hold the power block/bogie to the loco.
I have the pdf file of the Sumpter mallet spares and exploded diagrams but this is not that helpful as to finding the boiler disassembly screws and where they might be hidden.
I already have taken off the smoke box (it has a pulsed smoke unit installed)
Doers anyone have experience of taking apart the Sumpter version of the mallet?
I would be grateful of some pointers .