Large Scale Central

LGB Sound Storage capacitors #65011

Armed with very little knowledge other than a photograph on a European website, I made up a simple power supply for the LGB digital sound units, #6500X series to enable stationary sounds when running on analogue power. Basically, a white two-pin connector from an Aristo-Craft speaker connection on an Aristo sound board, connected to a 9 volt battery. The two pin connector is placed in the position that the three-pin plug from the #65011 Sound Storage Capacitor normally plugs into, utilising only two of the three available pins.

This method enables the air compressor sound, coal shovelling, starting whistle and commences chuff at a lower power setting than normally available from simply using the DC power supply. To activate, one needs to apply power to the rails to commence the chuff sound. If power applied while hissing still active then the whistle sounds and chuff commences. If allowed to continue to hiss after coal shovelling completed, then sound will hiss for around 25 - 30 seconds and then shutdown. This was on a European sound unit but I see no reason why the American steam unit, #65001, should not behave the same.

This shows the simple wiring needed to replace the #65011 Sound Storage Capacitor. Of course one will need to have a 9 volt battery available. In an installation with a ‘sound’ car, such as a boxcar or baggage car, etc., this situation would be ideal as the battery could be easily accessed to replace/recharge.


I found another adaptor and was able to use a four-cell holder, nominal 5.2 volts. It worked perfectly on the lesser voltage.