Large Scale Central

LGB Repair time!

I don’t know what to think. I sent something in a little over 8 weeks ago. So I called at about four weeks. First I was told repairs are taking 4- 6 weeks, Ok I’ll live with that. Called two weeks later, repairs are taking 6-8 weeks, HMMM why the change. Called today told repairs are taking 8-10 weeks, So I finally spoke up and asked why it changes higher every time I call. Well it’s getting ready to move out they say. I’ve never gone thru this before, has anybody else had any problems with repairs lately. Will enjoy listening from you too HJ :>)

ohhh god here comes the lgb/oa/marklin bashing, speculation, and BS

Hey Mark,

Funny things happen, but … those who could read, read and decided accordingly. Simple as that! The others? Whatever! :slight_smile:

Is the “Silver Gate” open yet ?

Patience is a virtue

Fred Mills said:
Is the "Silver Gate" open yet ?
Not until they find the "Silver Lining". ;) :)

one would think that you are an honourary ‘ventilator’. Remember that you were the one that started the ‘LGB bash’ drift on this thread.

And you started it on the other Tim!

John Joseph Sauer said:
And you started it on the other Tim!

who Jack B. says is not Marvin, I like to discuss the LGB situation openly. I do not like to hide behind pseudonyms and I welcome any useful discussion on the topic. Gratuitous bashing is not my forte. If someone puts their foot in then I like to help them extract it and hopefully some will gain a little knowlege from the experience. There are some however, who say nothing at all except foment trouble. I actually enjoy little banters with you as you seem to be quite the ‘Walter Mitty’ character. A man for all seasons, or is that the man with a thousand faces.

Gtrainman said:
Patience is a virtue
Ah, yes. Is that the new translation of "wait until next week"?

I’m not trying to start anything. I’m just wondering whats different now with repairs as opposed to a year or two ago when I sent things in.

My opinion is that LGBOA is no longer in the business of repairing broken LGB stuff. That would be my take, anyway.


The “slight delays” in the LGBoA repair department have been mentioned for some time - as usual roundly poo-pooed by those who supposedly “know”.
Don’t be surprised if your item is returned without being repaired, that can easily happen if they don’t have the required parts. Nothing to do with patience - it’s just the way it is, no parts, no repair. I doubt that they’ll rob Peter to pay Paul in order to fix things for which they have no parts. OTOH if you get things repaired, good show! let us know about the bill, too. :wink: :slight_smile:

Bryan Johnson said:
I'm not trying to start anything. I'm just wondering whats different now with repairs as opposed to a [year or two ago] when I sent things in.
Hi Bryan,

This was just recently posted on the web site found by clicking on the news tab, then click, Important News About LGB Products and Service – May 1, 2008.
Hope this helps.

To our LGB customers:
First, we would like to thank you for your patience over the past two
years. As you may know, there have been many changes in the world of
LGB which have affected us all. We want to update you on the situation
as it now stands.
The assets of E.P.Lehmann of Nuernberg Germany, makers of LGB
trains, were purchased in 2007 by Märklin. As of now, it appears that
there will not be an agreement for LGB of America to purchase LGB
products from Märklin in 2008. While many specific items are in short
supply, we do currently have over 250 different LGB products in our
warehouse, and there are further supplies at various retailers across
In connection with the above, we must regrettably now refer all customer
inquiries to Märklin regarding such subjects as the LGB Club, general
LGB customer service, LGB technical support, etc. We understand this
causes an inconvenience for LGB customers in America, and we
sympathize with you.

In an attempt to bring some relief, we will do our
best to continue performing repairs on LGB products as our limited parts
supplies permit.

However, we will be unable to accommodate parts
requests as in the past.

Tony Castellano

6444 Nancy Ridge Drive • San Diego, CA 92121 •
Toll-Free 800-669-0607 • Toll-Free Order Fax (877) 872-4679

Tim Brien said:
John, who Jack B. says is not Marvin, I like to discuss the LGB situation openly. I do not like to hide behind pseudonyms and I welcome any useful discussion on the topic. Gratuitous bashing is not my forte. If someone puts their foot in then I like to help them extract it and hopefully some will gain a little knowlege from the experience. There are some however, who say nothing at all except foment trouble. I actually enjoy little banters with you as you seem to be quite the 'Walter Mitty' character. A man for all seasons, or is that the man with a thousand faces.
Your too funny Tim! You're now an official member of HJ's "Rat pack" aka "The RhB bullies". Founding fathers HJ, Tony and Curmudgeon welcome you with open arms!

thankyou for your faith in my abilities. I will carry out my duty to my utmost capability. I assume the reference to ‘Tony’ is not your mentor ‘fat Tony’ of presidential status of a now displaced distribution company. It must be the other Tony.

Week 4 since ship date.

After first calling James Trapper at LGBoA, I sent my Mikado in for repair. Although the loco was scheduled by UPS to arrive 4 days later, I didn’t get a conformation card from LGB until almost three weeks after I shipped it.

As my reply applies directly to the original question asked in the thread, I will make updates on the status of the repair as more is known.


Thanks Jim,

Looking forward to the updates, I’m sure it will be an enlightening experience. BTW what ailed the “Mike”?

Two problems with the Mike.

  1. Sound would not always start with the movement of the loco [factory sound]. Especially prevalent after allowing the standing sounds to cease after running, the sound would not restart until the loco was started, stopped, and restarted. Then it would work fine until the next time stopped.

  2. All too often, the front set of drivers would take the turnout on a switch when set for straight ahead. This derail would occur with both right and left turnouts. The problem was not limited to my layout.

Jim C.