I picked up about 15-16 years ago, a Lake George and Boulder 2119d Mogul that runs excellent. I’ve also picked up a few other LGB moguls but they are all sound versions and in C&S or Pennsylvania livery. I’ve been contemplating doing an airbrush make over and wanted to give it some sound. I didn’t see the point in adding a top line sound system as I’d rather do that to my shay and climax in the future. Well, the other day on eBay, I saw an LGB Annie Oakley car for sale that someone had added the LGB steam sound board and a speaker to. The price was $54 or best offer so I made a $50 offer and it was accepted. I got the car in on Monday, tested it first, then removed the sound system from the AO car. I opened the tender on the 2119, drilled a series of holes where the speaker goes and mounted the board to one of the deck stand off posts for the factory sound card. I soldered the power leads to the power leads that are on the rear of the tender shell, pulled the 9v battery connector up into the battery compartment, and drilled a small hole on the front of the tender by the fireman’s legs which allows the use of a jewelers screwdriver to access the volume pot to raise or lower the volume. So while it doesn’t have the timed chuff, bell or whistle, it still sounds good enough to run around and it’s better than no sound. Plus I have the AO car now too. For $66 delivered I thought was a fairly cheap way to add sound.
i am curious on what people think of painting up this engine to have a more original look. I would think there’s nothing too special about the 2119 other than it’s a good running mogul. So if you had one, would you do a makeover on it?