Large Scale Central

Lets see your train sheds

We have two setup for quick access storage.

This one is for some rolling stock that has three track to it and 5 tracks storage inside.

This one is for our Track cleaning trains out on the layout. It has one track to it with Auto doors from a console and two tracks inside.

Both are a little over 10 foot long.

Most of the rest of the power and rolling stock are in two carts.

Really one neat looking storage barn, Jerry. Nice work. (

You might also consider a spur that might have a nasty grade, but could run out to where you have space for a storage cabinet.

In my case, the far side of the main line is 21" off the ground, so a long train can be assembled by rolling the card to within 8" of the track.

Eventually, I will have an indoor elevator system:

Greg Elmassian said:

You might also consider a spur that might have a nasty grade, but could run out to where you have space for a storage cabinet.

In my case, the far side of the main line is 21" off the ground, so a long train can be assembled by rolling the card to within 8" of the track.

Eventually, I will have an indoor elevator system:

Neat idea,Greg. We tried something similar to that by testing of using 2 ea X 3’ X 3/4" Al thread. It took for every to raise one shelf to the other. Had them with bike chains drive from one end to the other with 1/8th hp motor. Shelf’s were only 8 foot long with two tracks.

I think with the slow gearing of the al thread is would of pulled my car in to the garage with no problem.

Wish I took a photo of it… Darn it.

Wife dictated she need the space anyway so that killed that idea. lol.

Nice storage room Greg. One could eat off the floor! I assume the crossover is a lift out arrangement?


In my original layout design I had just such a building and was going to have an elevator system for at leas the locos. In the new plan that got scraped for space.

I love this idea best of all. Just not sure where it would go. That’s one problem about where I have been deeded property. The wife took the choice real estate and left me the barren wasteland. (I thought the railroad always got the best land and left others to fight for the scraps). It is an isolated out of the way chunk of land. I will ease her into giving me more land once she falls in love with this idea.

Devon, see what you get by procrastinating? If you had thrown down some track last year, you could have had better digs.

Rich Niemeyer said:
Nice storage room Greg. One could eat off the floor! I assume the crossover is a lift out arrangement?

That’s not Greg’s yet. Besides; 3 R/C transmitters?

Last line said something like ‘eventually:’

It’s on the wish list.


Yes, these are pictures from Switchcrafters. He made all the plans available. Mine will have 5 tracks and outside framing.

I will also use a 5 way switch to feed it to save space/ maximize the length.

Mine will be about 10 feet long, will probably design it in increments of 40’ cars.

This design used a nice counterweight and a GDO for movement.

I have the space, just not the time yet.


David Maynard said:

Devon, see what you get by procrastinating? If you had thrown down some track last year, you could have had better digs.


This is the same chunk I had last year . . . in fact it keeps getting larger. Maybe if I procrastinate even longer it will continue to grow. Last year I gained nearly 20 feet when we moved the fence forward and robbed some useless front yard just for the soul purpose of adding to my layout area. Now this year I fudge about five more feet in the other direction and stole some of her yard. Its getting better.

But I do need to pull the trigger

When I built it I had the same worries; What if?

I didn’t make it fancy nor decorative, kinda wanted it to blend in and I put it where it wasn’t easy for the public to access it.

The smokey grey plastic lets in enough light to see all the way in.

With the rebuild this end gets rearranged. Not sure where the box will go, but I’m sure glad I have it. No lock on it, but two trains have been kept safe for years. Even while I was in the big city fighting the good fight.


You don’t need locks. You have guard rattlers to protect it.

I’d planned on building storage outside here until our time to move, had been moved up. I was going to use Marty Cozad’s design. It was basically a scaled down version of those carolina carports. I wasn’t going to build it near as large as his though. lol. I have some pictures, but I don’t know if I should post them. I’ll ask him and see if he care’s.


This is the one I built!

The roof opens

I can lock it.

I used a five way switch from train-lee ( i don’t know if they still sell it)

Devon Sinsley said:


I hear you and it is a concern of mine. Even a medium shed won’t fit the theme. Heck, anything more than a three stall engine house won’t fit the theme or the space really. But I do want a working yard even if it only holds 10 or 12 cars. This is for operations. Greg, offered the idea of basically a covered yard where the top can be removed. I am warming up to this idea. The bulk of any storage will be in a cabinet that is built below the yard. The yard will be bench work some sort of something will be below it to store cars. Even the rubber made idea would be great and those could be slid onto shelves below the yard. Then I can take those with me to club functions.

As I sit here and think on it a bit and am absorbing the ideas and suggestion people are making I might have an idea. Sean is right in that for my personal day to day operation on my layout, my trains likely will only be pulling a few cars at a time. A few cars in the yard and a few cars out and about on the layout for switching and operations. Only once in awhile will there be a need for a full yard of cars. So emptying the yard after a session will be a matter of minutes. The other suggestions I like are keeping my locos on the track and having on track charging. So with that in mind instead of a large out of place shed covering the whole yard I am thinking a removable engine house that will hold say two locos that also serves as a charging station would look more appropriate. Then leave the rest of the yard open and store the cars underneath. Nothing says that can’t stay out uncovered either.

That’s the nice thing, you can take all the ideas and come up with something from each of us. Maybe create your own combining these ideas. I have plenty of space in my yard for a shed etc. My biggest concern was background in photos and videos. I wanted to keep everything as natural as possible. I was also lucky to have my garage next to the layout. I put my engines in a cabinet and rubber maid bins. Live steamers stay in the basement because of the cold weather in the garage in the winter.

I talked with Marty, he said it was ok to post the pics of his barn. I was going to do a smaller version of this, but since we will be moving in a few years, I guess I’ll just keep carrying my trains out.

Here is Marty’s Train Barn’s.


that is about a perfect size one. I like that.


There is more track in those two barns than I will have in the entire layout. Those are impressive. I think someone else posted pictures of them as well.

Devon Sinsley said: Sean, that is about a perfect size one. I like that.

Since seeing these pics … I need to get an updated one!

I added some more to the back.

Devon Sinsley said:


There is more track in those two barns than I will have in the entire layout. Those are impressive. I think someone else posted pictures of them as well.

Same here. lol. Those are massive barns. 30’x14’ if I remember correctly. Marty’s layout was giant though. I wanted to do a smaller version of this storage. I wouldn’t have enough trains to fill one that big up. lol.