Large Scale Central

Last siding installed on the In-ko-pah Railroad

I finally put in the last passing siding – something that has been put off for a very long time. This area features some of my first attempts at making miniature stone walls and bridges, and they didn’t line up quite right. At the time though, I expected the track to sit lower, so it wouldn’t have made much difference. Once I got the mainline in, it ended up being higher. So I couldn’t put in the siding until I got the stone walls leveled. I also wanted to wait until I had some construction finished above this area. Here’s how it looked:

And here it is, finished:

I also put in a switch and a short section of track for a future industrial spur. The spur will cross the mainline, so I can’t finish this part until I get a suitable crossing:

Here’s a view from the front:

Ray, your work is amazing! Beautiful work.

Bob C.

Great work Ray. Regal

Very nice!!!


I just love looking at pictures of your stone work. Beautiful :smiley:

Gorgeous work Ray!

It just gets better each time. Good stuff Ray.

Nice work as usual Ray.

Now that your spurs are done I have two that are waiting…!

I love the rock work, I’ve looked at your website several times to get some ideas. Keep it going !
