Large Scale Central

Large Scale Trolley Event at Union, Illinois

Because of the 4th of July falling on a Wednesday, and the politicians unable to figure out how to call it the 4th of July and not have it fall next to a weekend, the Largescale Trolley Yahoo Group is going to get together on the 7th of July at the Illinois Railroad Museum in Union. This event has been going on for a number of years and with it always being held on the 4th, some of us have not been able to attend. Well, things have changed and the gathering on the 7th makes it possible for us to meet some faces that go with the names.

Check in at

[email protected]

if interested.

Sounds like fun , ride a real electric train , run some model electric trains , have some lunch , enjoy yourself .
See ya there !

Dennis and Helen Paulson met up with us at the IRM today with a group from the Yahoo Largescale Trolley Group. Though hot in the sun, we were treated to great hospiality and some wonderful trolley, interurban and passenger train rides. The breese in the shade was more than tolerable and became the real gathering places. We have now returned to our daughter’s in Bloomington and will try to get some pictures posted after we get home tomorrow. New and old friends make this hobby so much fun.

Track power???

TOC isnt gonna like that… :slight_smile:

Well, as I said I’d post some pictures. Grandma took her 3 kids to the Illinois Railway Museum in Union, Illinois. It was hot, but we all had a good time

We rode trolleys

Had a picnic lunch with members of the Yahoo Largescale Trolley Group

I tried to get a picture of Grandson Luke in front of an Interurban, that we later rode, but he was to busy looking at details.

This is the inside of the Sand Ridge, Oklahoma trolley that was brought out for a special run for the Yahoo Group.

We sure did have fun and it was the grandkids first train ride.

Nice Pics Ric looks like you all had a grand time. Its been many a year since I was there. Later RJD

Helen and I thought the day was fantastic , we met some of the people from the IRM , and the Large Scale Trolley group from Yahoo . com Indeed the rides , and models , and the IRM , and the people made for a wonderful day . Here is the car Rick mentioned # 68

[img/] Here is a really really nice model for 45mm track .

[img/] And John has built this traveling display , with …scale , correct , trolley wire , and the trolley was powered from it and operated ALL day , with no problems , very detailed nice work .

[img/] Do you like signals ?

[img/] Rideing this car , …

[img/] Oh yes , we visited St Aubins , wow , I have ordered from there for years , but had never been there , what a candy shop ! We purchased something , somewhat like the streetcar we rode in at the IRM , and we are enjoying it on our layout here at home , just did a night run , the lights look good .

You guys are having too much fun :smiley:

Cute grand-kids Ric. Must be a ball chasing them around.


Darlington Railway Monday morning streetcar service …
