Large Scale Central

Lakeshore Garden Rairoad Club membership Drive

To All Interested Parties in Michigan, Southwestern Ontario and Nortwestern Ohio:

The Lakeshore Garden Railway Club is actively seeking new members. Our ranks have been thinned by the demise of several members over the past 18 months. We are an active club with an established core membership. The “Club” has been in existence for 20 years. The LGRC meets once per month on Sunday for a business meeting/“social hour”/operating session at a members home or at a location suitable for the activity. There are planned social activities that are open to attendance by members and guests other than the business meeting. The “Club” also has a portable modular railway layout that we exhibit 4 or 5 times per year at local train show/flea markets.

Please contact the following members for additional information about the “Club:”

Dave Caldwell, President LGRC [email protected] 586 469 3196
Bill Wiedendorf, Vice President LGRC [email protected] 734 420 1930
Gordon Perrin, Layout Master LGRC [email protected] 734 737 0232

We look forward to hearing from any interested parties!


Gordon G. Perrin, Jr.
Portable Modular Railway Layout Master LGRC