Large Scale Central

KVRwy Spring OPs Cancelled

The Kaskaskia Valley Railway is announcing that the Springs OPs normally held on the 1st weekend of May has been canceled, because of conflicts with too many other fun things to do. This session was scheduled for the many years as the last weekend of April. Because of interest in the Illinois Traction Society and its annual meeting, also held on the last weekend, the ops was moved to the first weekend of May. However, the calendar gods are not being fair and this year it just got too complicated.

Please watch for future Ops Sessions on the rails of the Kaskaskia Valley Railway.

Sorry to hear this, but at least I won’t have to come up with another excuse why I can’t make it.

Jon Radder said:
Sorry to hear this, but at least I won't have to come up with another excuse why I can't make it.
yes you will Jon, because I'm going to make Ric have one once I get back from CA. I'm not about to let Ric's social life ruen my fun. :)
Geoff George said:
Jon Radder said:
Sorry to hear this, but at least I won't have to come up with another excuse why I can't make it.
yes you will Jon, because I'm going to make Ric have one once I get back from CA. I'm not about to let Ric's social life ruen my fun. :)
Ric I think the message here is, if you can't make it, leave the keys under the door matt so everyone who shows can use the toilets :lol: :lol: :lol:
Victor Smith said:
Ric I think the message here is, if you can't make it, leave the keys under the door matt so everyone who shows can use the toilets :lol: :lol: :lol:

So Geoff…what’s the possibility of an ops session at your place? :wink:

Ric Golding said:
The Kaskaskia Valley Railway is announcing that the Springs OPs normally held on the 1st weekend of May has been canceled, because of conflicts with too many other fun things to do. This session was scheduled for the many years as the last weekend of April. Because of interest in the Illinois Traction Society and its annual meeting, also held on the last weekend, the ops was moved to the first weekend of May. However, the calendar gods are not being fair and this year it just got too complicated.

Please watch for future Ops Sessions on the rails of the Kaskaskia Valley Railway.

Maybe you shouldn’t have " semi-retired"…:wink:

Easter last full weekend of April.
Illinois Traction Society Annual meeting on saddle weekend of April to May
Mother’s Day weekend first full weekend of May
Club Meeting second full weekend of May

That’s the 4 weekends around the time we usually hold this session. The stars just weren’t aligned correctly.

I’m devastated…

Awful long walk to York?

Ric Golding said:
Easter last full weekend of April. Illinois Traction Society Annual meeting on saddle weekend of April to May Mother's Day weekend first full weekend of May Club Meeting second full weekend of May

That’s the 4 weekends around the time we usually hold this session. The stars just weren’t aligned correctly.

Can we blow the club meeting off? :smiley:

Let’s just do it at Andys instead

Victor Smith said:
use the toilets
Bart Salmons said:
Let's just do it at Andys instead
My schedule is the same as Ric's, this year...

See, that was the problem and Andy has a gathering coming up for the pre-National Convention tours. Now that’s a day we could have an OPs Session at his house. Hmmmmmm?

Ric Golding said:
See, that was the problem and Andy has a gathering coming up for the pre-National Convention tours. Now that's a day we could have an OPs Session at his house. Hmmmmmm?
well, we could mostly run trains, major type ops would be kinda limited... hmmmmm.....

My lawyers will be contacting you concerning my rights to annual Spring Ops Ric! And you better watch for my therapist to jump out of the bushes and assault you as well. Have you ever seen the movie…“What about Bob?” LOOK! I’m SAILING! I’M SAILING!

Lawyers and therapists, two more groups of people that rent slips at the marina from us. Bring them on. Tell them to bring money.

John your boy is small enought that we could slip him in thought the basement cat door to unlock the house and we would be set. that is as long as Ric dont take the computer with him and the radios. :smiley:

WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO!?!?!?!?!? I fear they will now up my medication and commit me! Really, I am freakin out here! lol
Noah will be absolutely heartbroken Ric!