Large Scale Central

KVRwy Ops Session and Open House

The Kaskaskia Valley Railway will be holding our 5th Annual Fall Operations Session and Open House on the weekend of Novenmber 5 and 6, 2005. This started out being a Sunday afternoon run of about 3 hours, but has actually turned in to a two day affair with the setup being as involved as the actual ops session. The KVRwy is a garden railroad with over 1000 feet of track and is operated by radio control and battery operated equipment. An area is set aside for live steam operations and track powered equipment can also be accommodated, so bring something along if you need to test it out. We can work you on to a track during the schedule. We are located 50 miles east of St. Louis, Missouri in southern Illinois. First trains are schedule to roll about noon each day. The backbone of our ops crew are members of the Gateway Garden Railroad Club, but we have many people dropping by. Trains run rain or shine. For more information, you can reach us at [email protected]

Smooth Sailing,
Ric Golding
Kaskaskia Valley Railway
Carlyle, Illinois