The Kaskaskia Valley Railway will hold its 8th Annual Fall Operating Session on the first weekend of November. That is November 7 and 8, 2009. We use RailOps software for the control of car movement and radios for dispatching. It is a weekend ops session with both days starting around noon and going until nobody is running trains anymore. Our goal is to run 18 trains to a schedule. Sometimes we succeed and sometimes some of the trains have to be annulled or extras have to be added. It is not really as regulated as it may sound, but there is lots of food and its a lot of fun. We also have a live steam track set up. If you can make it to 50 miles east of St. Louis, Missouri, you are certainly welcome to join us. There are usually about 25 to 30 people for the weekend. For more information contact me at [email protected].
Please do not confuse this with our Canadian Invasion OPs Session being held mid-week on September, 23. This Fall OPs on November 7 and 8 is the real deal.
Corrected date - it is next Wednesday = September 23rd. Sorry for the error.