Large Scale Central

Kit Bashing a Bachmann coach

Out of the box, it does have an eye catching paint job. It just needs a little tweaking .

Complete disassembly and drilling some holes in the roof for vents.

That is as far as I got today. Tomorrow I’ll post some more.

I don’t know if you guys have seen this yet.
Here’s a pic of the new LGB Nevada Central coach.

A coach full of amputees!
My Cheap imported passengers fit nicely into all my coaches: LGB, Delton, HLW, etc.
Except Bachmann. Seats way too low.
Nobody will notice they are amputated. :grinning:

Yeah my cheapo people have had some”elective surgery to make them fit and look like I want, including headectomys arm removal and others to get different looks and positions , so it’s not a train of clones

Roof vents, painted roof black, porches and trucks black with Roll-Eze steel wheels added,
KD body mount couplers. Passengers.

I can’t make up my mind about the red clerestory windows, but that is what Bachmann uses on all their cars.

I agree. It might just be that I’m used to the LGB clear glass. It looks a bit leathery in the photo. Does it look good when illuminated from the inside though?

I don’t know, Bill. I don’t think I have ever seen one lit up.

This may be of help in deciding what you want to do.


And this Bill Meyer & Small article has a photo.

Interesting you brought this up Bill. Perhaps Hollywood can answer some of the questions as he was a kid about that time. However I think he lived in York shortly after that era.

Well John, first of all “Red” in itself was not considered a “color” at the time so it would have to be rose or salmon colored glass?

I personally like it but if it’s missing the “pop or wow” factor that you wanna see then maybe paint the frieze board around the windows the same mustard (not yellow) color as the body.

However if that’s not enough you could always add some engine turn gold leaf in spots then add all the stenciling and just a hint of sky blue like Bills post shows or you could just say screw it, call it done and run it!

That make sense?

Oh and you could paint the trucks an almond color or perhaps rose to match the glass.

It’s done. I’m already moving on to another one. I’m going to screw up that new LGB coach! :smiley:
Oh, and I crushed the box also!!!

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After Roosters nudge I pulled out the ‘Rule of Thumb’ book and found that Railroads back in the day though seemingly ornate were cheap and driven by a sense of need by skin flints who saved every penny. (note my Uncle Money Bags).
Hidden in the more than four thousand pages on how to stretch a penny was the statement that clerestory windows which provide nothing more then a cheap way to air the body stench from the cars need be no more then the cheapest of glass for the purpose, hence clear was the glass of choice till the young upstarts started inheriting Daddy’s millions and began one upping every Jones in town. JMHBGI YMMV :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :sunglasses:

Re worked the roof on the new LGB Combine. Coach to follow.
New smoke chimneys and vents. Paint.
Crushed the box.

Checking to see how it looks on the car.

Didn’t happen without pics!

I think the pickle car needs to be in the consist, call it a utility car or “HEP generator” car that can secretly haul the booze and money. Put it ahead of the baggage car or tow it on the end of the consist, doesn’t matter either way as the colors will flow nicely and undetected. However if it’s on the end make sure it has a F.R.E.D.
I love that pickle car!

Spell check gotcha. Billmeyer is all one word, a Surname.

This Pickle brine car?


Ha! I was focusing on not typing Small(with an “s”)!
Thanks Rickmarty!

That’s the one John!

Rooster, have you seen its running mate?


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Yes, but I still love that brine car!

You should know me by now, Rooster. I don’t save boxes! :smiley:
Let me see your smashed LGB Amtrak boxes.