Large Scale Central

Kaskaskia Valley Railway 10th Annual Fall OPs

I’d also like to add my thanks to Ric, Jan, Andy and Jane for hosting a wonderful weekend of food, fun, friendship and trains…who could ask for more. Made it home in one piece after a restful nite at Bart’s after railfanning with Ric, Andy and Doug in Indiana most of Monday. And made it to Bart’s on Thursday after railfanning in Eastern Kentucky while I was waiting for Bart to get home. The K takes a spin around the WV & K RR in Ft Gay WV.



On Andy’s Bluestone Southern at Oakdale JCT.


Passing a popular tourist attraction in Southern Illinois, the Leaning Lighthouse.



Unfortunately, like Andy, my camera sat in the camera bag in Ric’s garage all weekend and I didn’t take one single picture at Ric’s, but ti looks like someone else took care of that. Just had too much fun with other things…:wink:


Thanks Ken. All pics are enjoyed

“Apparently one is supposed to not eat for at least a week before attending one of these events; there was certainly a LOT of food over three days.”

With a statement like that, it just seems very obvious that some people are not taking this crisis of World Hunger seriously.
We just try to do our part. As Jane and Jan would both say, it is not that we had too much food, its just that some people didn’t eat enough and other didn’t bother to show up. Right now, I’m on my second night of spaghetti, this could go on for a couple of more days. It takes a lot of red wine to compliment that much pasta.

Ken, glad to hear you got home ok… Nice Pictures… :slight_smile:

With the help of Dr. Jon, I just got some more pictures to upload. These were taken by John Bible of him and his son, Noah, enjoying Saturday. I bet you can guess which one I like the best. Great shots, John!!! Here is Noah at “Old State Light”. He is lining up his run and is looking to his Dad if they are doing it right.


Noah is picking up his train at “Old State Light” and the beginning of the run.


Here is Noah at “Consolidated” and working on to the wye. Robbie Hanson and the Consolidated Yardmaster are also in the picture.


Here is Noah at “Pin Oak”, delivering a car to Pin Oak Supply.


This is Noah at the “John Allan Industrial Park” delivering a a coal hopper from “Fiddle” as the Southern Yardmaster looks on.


Looks like Noah has picked up an extra job doing a “Cat Dump Run” for the Rubberduck. Noah is our future, guys.


Good pix. And I hear Noah didn’t “fire” John this year, too. John must be learning…:wink:

Ric Golding said:
"Apparently one is supposed to not eat for at least a week before attending one of these events; there was certainly a LOT of food over three days."

With a statement like that, it just seems very obvious that some people are not taking this crisis of World Hunger seriously.

Doug and I certainly took it seriously. That tray of shrimp didn’t last long…:wink:

Awsome pictures guys. Like Jon I really have to start attending the ops sessions. Everyones RR’s look great.

Nice shots from John , Ric. Tell him we need updated pics of his swimming pool line. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


Ric and Jan
Thank You for wonderful weekend. I enjoyed learning your dispatch software.
Thanks to Jane for trying to teach me on it. It was fun.

Rodney Edington said:
Ric and Jan Thank You for wonderful weekend. I enjoyed learning your dispatch software. Thanks to Jane for trying to teach me on it. It was fun. Rodney
Rodney, your welcome. The software program is called RailOps. You can see it at -

We have no association with the company and are just satisfied users. Doug Matheson, who was at the session, and has worked with it enough to truly become an expert and has written an instruction manual. He has helped tweek ours and it is also used on the IPP&WRR in Ottawa and a number of other railroads. We like it.