Ken Brunt said:Ken, It's my ""trademark"".... I even have it pattented.... :)Ric Golding said:He's still grumpy though.....;)Andy Clarke said:He gets cold now, also. Its the strangest thing.
Bart, I've backed off, since I got sick.... Just a regular plain ole haystack now..... :)
Now if I win a lottery…!!
Once again I will be looking forward to conducting trains for Engineer Noah Bible… well, on 2nd thought - I won’t have a choice! I will be under forced hard labor switching and coupling duties at least 'til I get FIRED! Then I can join the kichen crew for a lil R&R over…
We are now 6 weeks and counting. Plans are coming together for a great weekend of fun. Trains, food and friendship with some Fall weather and a few pictures. You’re all welcome.
Hopefully the Bartman will be able to perform his Hospitality and navigation duties once again.
Ken Brunt said:And not blow up the outhouse AGAIN!!
Hopefully the Bartman will be able to perform his Hospitality and navigation duties once again.
David Russell said:Too many beans = too much methane = Where's my KABOOM! (copyright Marvin Martian Enterprises Inc)Ken Brunt said:And not blow up the outhouse AGAIN!!
Hopefully the Bartman will be able to perform his Hospitality and navigation duties once again.
I got 78 hours of v time to burn before the end of the year…this 6 week hiatus into Dairy Country has sorta derailed what I had planned…putting in fer that weekend minimum…
Bart Salmons said:Reservations are made, same old place..............All we need to do now is met Ric at the Lil Nashville at lunch time....;)
I got 78 hours of v time to burn before the end of the year....this 6 week hiatus into Dairy Country has sorta derailed what I had planned.......putting in fer that weekend minimum.........
It looks like I will be there for the Saturday session only. Have to be back home Sunday morning
to go to work. I’m going to spend Friday with Larry Harget. He is the gentleman who started Ozark
Miniatures years ago.
Rodney Edington said:
It looks like I will be there for the Saturday session only. Have to be back home Sunday morning to go to work. I'm going to spend Friday with Larry Harget. He is the gentleman who started Ozark Miniatures years ago.Rodney
Rodney, Larry is good people… you’ll enjoy that Friday…
Glad to hear you will be there Rodney!
Bad News gang…(well for me…) Due to the recent promotion and the ongoing certification process, Im not gonna be able to make it this year, Ken yer room os still reserved for a flyby, and test running the K on the mainline loop…
Dang, Bart… you can’t turn down the promotion??? hehehe You knew I just had to say it…
Bart it seems you need one of these. And the FAA has made them street legal.
Sorry to hear that Bart. We were looking forward to the visit.
Bart Salmons said:Yea, I was gonna call ya and find out what the story was. Oh, well, maybe next year.
Bad News gang....(well for me....) Due to the recent promotion and the ongoing certification process, Im not gonna be able to make it this year, Ken yer room os still reserved for a flyby, and test running the K on the mainline loop......
Thanx, I will be stopping by on my way out…
Well dang and you were also going to get a promotion here, but I guess that one pays better.
The “Wednesday Gathering” is going to meet at the Kaskaskia Valley Railway to work on car location and track ballasting. Let us know if you’d like to join us.
This Wednesday, October 12th, will be the “Wednesday Gathering” of the Gateway Garden Railroad Club. These are work sessions at a club member’s home to work on a project or whatever. We meet from 10 am to 1 pm and then head for a local eatery for fun and food. The GGRRC is well established as “an Eating Club with a Railroad Problem”. You don’t have to be a club member to join us.
Any pictures from the labor camp last Wednesday?