My newest shipment of Kadee trucks have a nice little bonus. Every box contains two spare roller bearing caps.
Will you be painting them blue?
I have been thinking I want some on my cars, but first car I painted was one that the ends do NOT spin! Rrrrr!!
I noticed that too in my latest order. But also found 2 had fallen off and loose in the box.
Rooster, with the projects I have on the drawing board, I’m sure eventually some blue ones will show up. Pete, no spinning, that’s no fun.
Dan, yes, I’ve run into that too.
Nice! Shane, can you post a couple pics of a truck, when you get a chance? I’d enjoy seeing the detail.
Of course I can Cliff. Do you want to see one fresh out of the box, or painted and weathered?
In Use - I like the way the treads start to shine up after some use just like the real ones. They look a lot better outside in the sun.
Very nice Shane, thanks!
I have noticed a black residue on my trucks from the black wearing off my cars after the extended run times from the open houses, 4 days and about 4 hours each day of 11-12 car trains. Good thing I am battery power !
A certain some one gave me my first set of Kadee large scale trucks. While not cheap I think I am going to bite the built and use them on at least all my log cars. I needed a Bettendorf truck and these are a nice looking, heavy truck, with metal wheels. Its a win all around for a skeleton log car.