Large Scale Central

Just wondering

Hi all,

Yep. too much time on my hands! :slight_smile: :wink:

But I’ve wondering for a while: what is the status of the LGB production in China?? Has any tooling i.e. Genesis and Amfleet cars been produced in China? Who owns that tooling or more precisely, who paid for that tooling?

It’s my understanding that the Genesis and Amfleet cars are a creation of LGBoA/G45. And from the way that Jack Lynch, LGBoA Marketing, has implied the design work is done in the US and all production is done in China. I suspect that the tooling was also done there. There has never been any mention of Germany in any discussion of the manufacture of those items. My guess is that the molds and design of the Genesis, Amfleet cars, outside braced box car and the upcoming locomotive are all owned by LGBoA/G45. I’m not sure about the other modern cars. They predate the (known) existence of G45.

Oh, and there is an announcement of a new 0-6-0 locomotive (standard gauge) to be released by LGBoA in the new Garden Railways mag due out any day.

Warren Mumpower said:
It's my understanding that the Genesis and Amfleet cars are a creation of LGBoA/G45. And from the way that Jack Lynch, LGBoA Marketing, has implied the design work is done in the US and all production is done in China. I suspect that the tooling was also done there. There has never been any mention of Germany in any discussion of the manufacture of those items. My guess is that the molds and design of the Genesis, Amfleet cars, outside braced box car and the upcoming locomotive are all owned by LGBoA/G45. I'm not sure about the other modern cars. They predate the (known) existence of G45.

Oh, and there is an announcement of a new 0-6-0 locomotive (standard gauge) to be released by LGBoA in the new Garden Railways mag due out any day.


Does that, what you mention, jive with what you hear in the Gardentrains Radio interview with Dave Buffington? :wink: :slight_smile:

I never listened to the thing all the way through. I figured it was “canned” and manipulated so the public heard what they wanted them to hear. Since I know certain people involved in that interview personally, my judgment said pass it by.

Then the question that begs to be answered is, do they say anywhere, or have they ever, “LGB” in the chassis or frame?
Motor blocks?

If the question of copyrights and trademarks goes against the US group, what happens then?

Just asking…

As a note, my Genesis says LGB on the motor blocks and also on the underside of the locomotive. :confused:

Warren Mumpower said:
As a note, my Genesis says LGB on the motor blocks and also on the underside of the locomotive. :/
Okay. I think you answered yourself. If what Castellano said proves wrong, and if what the new owner at LGB says proves right, and trademarks, copyrights and patents reverted to Germany, the units in question AND THE MOLDS that contain said trademarks........

But then again, if what Castellano said proves right…:confused: Besides, molds can be modified to remove trademarks. It may boil down to who’s money paid for the molds.

Good stuff!
This beats the “who is the father of THE Million dollar baby”-- a non-ending saga.

Good point:
IF the new owner does own the LGB trademarks, and if the Genesis production was actually under the LGB mgmt. in Germany – that’s when the company was intact as the timetable here is critical. It is possible the Genesis “design” and molds were completed much time ago and G45 waited to have those molds filled in China. If so, then there is likely some renumeration – if that has not already happened – between LGBofA and LGB in Germany. Wait! Hold on. If there is renumeration, then there are really two separate companies. LGBofA (G45) would then be dignified as not a gimmick to save the San Diego sandbox under a fake holding company.

My take:
The owner really owns the copyrights and trademarks. Conclusion: He actually “owns” LGBofA and so G45 stays the same as a “service and repair” facility without using the name LGB. G45 goes to whatever location they choose – they, I have been told, are leasing the building. Who knows what they are able to take with them.

We then lose a very good repair facility specifically associated with LGB.

WAIT! Maybe the new owner retains the San Diego operation knowing full well the demand for a repair facility.

Meanwhile #1, the US courts start hearing a breech of contract agreement between LGB of Germany and LGBofA (now called G45). As the out-of state corporate status flys into our Calif. courts.

Meanwhile #2 - G45 produces a 0-6-0 to establish itself as a working entity. The molds are used in China — OH, OH, we find out that the LGB name is on the motor blocks:

  1. A deal was cut with the German court declaring financial hardship if they can’t sell a product. The new owner challenges the presumption.
  2. The financial hardship argument was bought by the new owner and he cut a deal for “X” percentage of the sales.
  3. A law suit follows to cease and desist production and grant all production rights to LGB in Germany.
    The court order is given to remove any reference to LGB from the locomotive motor block when the product is sold (who cares if you are using up “old stock motor blocks”).

I’ll see how this plays out – might use it in my argumentation classes.

Keep us appraised!



There are many possibilities and it will be very interesting to see what finally transpires. :wink: :slight_smile: :smiley:

To put into a humorous form: “It will be interesting to watch LGB Spring Training this year”. Oooops I guess that double entendre would miss the mark with the baseball crowd. :slight_smile:

Warren Mumpower said:
But then again, if what Castellano said proves right.....:/ Besides, molds can be modified to remove trademarks. It may boil down to who's money paid for the molds.
Hmmm. So, you think they'd have the molds covered under trademarks and copyrights modified to hide who owns them? Interesting observation.

You got it!
The TOC is as sharp as ever.
Meanwhile, we wait for Hans’ translations.
For sure, whatever information comes from San Diego will be obfuscated by what is or is not reality in Germany.

A TOC in training

There are a number of possibilities. G45 could manufacture the locomotive shells and purchase the blocks from LGB to put in them…:confused: Or, they could do like Aster does and make the bodies for LGB…:confused: Or get totally pissed at LGB and make the bodies and put Aristo blocks in future production. Etc… In reality there is not much time for them to hash this whole thing out. The new owner needs to come up with the bucks to close the deal. I doubt if the banks would secure the loan with this matter hanging overhead. Because of this, the new owner may still have to back out of the deal and LGB revert back to the bankruptsy administrator. This would most likely cause what’s his face (excuse me a moment while I have a senior moment – can’t remember the German fellow’s name) to sue both LGB and LGBoA/G45 for the loss of the deal. The “what if’s” are endless…:confused:

and stand by for February 28th.

That at least is the next bankruptcy court hearing.
Also the last day of the month, just before the Ides of March…

Warren Mumpower said:

It may boil down to who’s money paid for the molds.

It sure does, doesn’t it? :wink: :slight_smile: :wink:

We still handing out Kewpie dolls?