Large Scale Central

Just the begining

Matt, nice progress and reworking your walls…

Now, tell us about the Bridge in the picture, looks great…

That bridge is brilliant .


Thanks Andy and Mike. I knew it was going to be close with scenery and I figured I’d might as well change it now before I back fill everything. I will probably have some time this weekend to put the track back the way it was. lol. That was a bone head move on my part. Should have left that alone.

As for the bridge, I didn’t build it. I’m not skilled enough. I’m 99% it’s Karl Wedekamm build from bridgeman model works. But I actually found it on ebay…of all places. I got it off a guy that lives in Colorado. Even with shipping I feel like I got a pretty good deal.

That bridge pic is a good one.

You had to back track ot make room for scenery ?? The trains are the scenery on my RR!
It is good you caught it early and could remedy the situation more easily but don’t worry even the best laid plans still require some tweaking and sometimes rebuilds. Your RR will always be evolving and that is part of the fun of the hobby. No one gets it right the first time.

Happy RRing.

Thanks Todd! Yeah, I wanted to make sure I had enough room behind the tracks to do what I have planned. Then I realized I didn’t have enough room in front for foreground scenery. Oh, well. The rest of the railroad was already set and done. I was just happy to get to work on it!

Matt Russell said:

Thanks Andy and Mike. I knew it was going to be close with scenery and I figured I’d might as well change it now before I back fill everything. I will probably have some time this weekend to put the track back the way it was. lol. That was a bone head move on my part. Should have left that alone.

As for the bridge, I didn’t build it. I’m not skilled enough. I’m 99% it’s Karl Wedekamm build from bridgeman model works. But I actually found it on ebay…of all places. I got it off a guy that lives in Colorado. Even with shipping I feel like I got a pretty good deal.

This is why they call this a hobby, Matt.

Yeah, I don’t know what that means, either, but it sounded good. :slight_smile:

A thought occurred to me with the wall moved forward for foreground scenery. You wont be able to reach the track without walking on your scenery. If you are going to have that much foreground, you need to make sure you can get to the track for maintenance and re-railing that one pesky car that like to derail out of reach, :wink:

A hobby steve? I think it may be more of an obsession with me. Maybe that’s the definition of hobby. lol.

David, it’s actually not as bad as it looks. The big secection north of the bridge, up by the house can be reached from the back side. I have a patio up along where the a/c unit sits next to the house. Now south of the bridge there is an are where the “s” curve is that I would have to step into the scenery. But the rest can be reached with some stretching.

Its looking real good Matt . Thanks for posting your progress . These things (garden railroads) kinda evolve over time and take on a life of their own.

I think your making great progress Matt however with a name like Russell would anyone think differently?

BTW I have 2 Chessie extended vision cabeese (one has never been run) that I probably should sell to a good home. If your interested shoot me a PM .

Matt, obsession? What is one persons obsession is just another person’s past-time. I tend to be be really past time.


I thought Obsession was a cologne/perfume… Shrug

Thanks Mike and David! David you may be on to something with this name! lol. And pm sent.

lol @ David.

Hmmmmmm, Andy does that come in diesel fragrance. lol.

Matt?? Look at that Chessie caboose close… I bet it has Roosters scratches on it… hehehe

I managed to get a few hours sunday afternoon to work on the railroad. Mostly hauling and shoveling dirt. But it’s some progress. I’m not sure I like how flat the foreground is, but I’d planned on making that a farm anyway.

Here’s a few pics.

Nice… :slight_smile:

Looking good.

Thanks Andy and David!

I rather like your choice of stonework for the low wall , it seems to blend in with the scale somehow .

Looks good .


Looking good. What a difference from the first page.