Large Scale Central

Just another train runs in Ca

Hi All... First off... Merry Christmas.
Well some have been asking..    "It's time for a couple of Train Runs." 
We and a few guys, have been talking about maybe doing a couple of Sat. night train fun runs. Maybe set up some Christmas lights on trains too.
So Jane and I figure maybe Evenings of Dec. 7 and Dec.21 "That's on a Sat.night and is a good time for us.
It's going to be to cold and was not planning on any BBQ’s, so if hungry, just bring some snack and we'll will also have some here too.
We will have two fire pits lit, hope to keep warm if it doesn't rain.
Note: If not sure if your train will run ok and not to hold up others on running trains in the evenings, swing by Dec. 7 or Dec.21, Sat. morning and will help with repairs or anything to get them running and help you play with them.  "We like playing with other peoples trains, LoL"
Let us know what you think.. but we are going to run trains anyway.. hehehehe. 
Talk later and hope to see ya here.  Noel & Jane