Large Scale Central

June meeting

In case you’ll want to know, Mr. “Point-to-point” Featherkile ran on my roundy-round for 4 hours yesterday.

I think he enjoyed it, but won’t admit it. :slight_smile:

Wow, that’s gorgeous John. And the best part is no mowing necessary!

Yeah, it was rough, but I gritted my teeth, and got through it. I ran my train all day, just to make sure it was as bad as I thought it was going to be.

Seriously, though, JB’s layout is beautiful. I didn’t know that the cantankerous old phart could do that kind of work.

Here is an overall view of most of it…


Here is a view of JB’s Unobtanium Mine.


GN 1703, one of the Great Northern’s 10 Atlantics, has found its way from its normal stomping grounds on the Great Plains to the mountains of Idaho. Here, we see it passing through the once thriving logging town of Elk River, Idaho that was killed by the Spotted Owl. Fortunately for 1703, the tracks from Elk River to Bovil, ID, and then north to St Maries, Id or west to Potlatch, Id are all at water level, so the grades are very gentle, at least that’s our story, and we are sticking to it.


Now, if he’d just put in a few sidings to make it interesting… :slight_smile:

Sidings? :slight_smile:

John Bouck said:

Sidings? :slight_smile:

That’s a great yard to build your train in, but, then what? :slight_smile:

Accucraft “Slim Princess”.

Steve, I’m sure is just a bit like me.

To be invited to a fellow hobbyist’s home, to see and enjoy his part of the hobby; we go to enjoy, and learn, not to complain or give anything but positive comments.

I too am an operator, not a roundy-roundy fan. But, there can be enjoyment found in the people, the modelling skills, and the relaxation of Roundy-Roundy world.

Nice garden with animation…even I could enjoy visiting that pike for an afternoon…I would even take one of my battery R/C locomotives with me, along with a few appropriate cars, if the invitation allowed. I would also take along at least a litre and a half of good whine, as a gesture of appreciation for the invite.

A truly lovely railroad John and it no surprise to find Steve enjoying the time with you and your RR.

I would not say roundy roundy in this instance more like around and about or in and out of the mulberry bushes. A delight to view I am certain.