Large Scale Central

Jan's and Ric's Great Adventure in 2020

19 August, 2020 - Made it back to the home base, yesterday afternoon. Time to catch up on mail and some family time. Spent Sunday afternoon and night at the Lancaster/New Holland KOA. A very nice campground. We just needed a day of down time and relaxation before hitting the Turnpike and Interstate heading home. I-70 in Indiana is under construction. Basically from one end of the state to the other. Monday evening it took us an hour to go 12 miles. All is well.

3 November, 2020 - Cedar Key, Florida


We celebrated a beautiful sunset this evening. And plan to be here for the next week, before heading down to the Ridge Live Steamers in Dundee, Florida. Our camper will be there for the Winter and we will be there most of the time, however we do have a couple trips home by “hot seating” in the pickup for Thanksgiving and Christmas with the family.


Hey Ric- Have a great time, I stopped by Cedar Key last winter but missed you, but the beer was good! Maybe see you next year
