Large Scale Central

I've Been Working on the Railroad

Boy that sounds like a song I once heard, but we have been working on the railroad trying to get the inner loop up and running for the July club meeting that we are hosting. I had to start by removing the staging yard on the back of the railroad so I could install the new double crossover. The first picture shows the crossover looking south on my layout.

Of course once the crossover was installed now the real work begins by lowering the lattice roadbed that you see just to the left in the picture. The second picture shows the lattice lowered to just a 2% grade and the third picture shows the difference in height that I am having to lower the existing lattice to.

The final picture showes my “Chief Planter” aka my wife cleaning out the weeds and leafs from behind the trestle. She has also planted alot of new plants that I’ll have to take some pictures of and post later. More to come.

Nice work, Chuck…

That looks great!

Looks good Chuck!

Looking good Chuck! Around here I’m always looking for ways to reduce grade but I’ve run out of options at an average 4%. I’d love to be able to get to 2%.

Looking good, I like the curvy wall and track following it.
There is nothing like a double crossover that screams SERIOUS RAILROADING!

Hi Chuck:

Looks really nice. I’ve always liked double crossovers and yours looks good. Not sure I’ve ever found a prototype on a logging road though.


Really cool! I’m jealous. I’ve not gotten a chance to do much work on my in about a week.

Got some more work done on the layout. First I continued up the hill with adjusting the grade to be no more then 2% but of course I ran into a large rock that I had to move. So the first picture shows the adjusted lattice and the second picture shows the rock I had to move. It’s the one in the middle thats dirty.

The third picture shows a new section of lattice being constructed for another section of the layout. The forth picture shows another new section installed on the front portion of the layout.


Now if the hot weather would go away I could get out and do more work on the layout. I’m ok with high 70’s and low 80’s but this 90 degree weather is for the birds. One way or the other I’m getting closer to laying the track on the inner loop. Enjoy there’s more to come.

Good stuff Chuck!

On the 90º F weather, just means you have to get out there really early and quit as soon as the sun hits whatever spot you’re working at. If you’re lucky there will be two more hours in the evening.

At least that’s how it works up here.


That’s exactly the plan of attack here in northeast Florida.

Ya Hans thats always the plan, but sometimes the wife has other plans that take precedence. If you know what I mean. I can usually get around 2-1/2 to 3 hours of shade on the layout in the late evening as the sun starts to set in the West because there is a large storage building on the west side of my property.

During the day I’ll be inside the shop working on something. I have to finish up the last two sections of lattice and get them installed today and tomorrow. Then I can start laying track. I’ll post some more pictures later.


A lot of my layout gets afternoon shade, but when it’s 90F and 80% humidity the shade doesn’t help that much. This time of year I just plan on going through several T-shirts if I’m working on the RR!

It would be cool to have a mini remote controlled bobcat for that type of cut.
Sometimes, you just have to get in there. My back hurts just looking at these pics!

I have to agree with you Jon even in the shade my t-shirt is wet from sweating.

Well I finished the front lower section this evening. All the lattice is in and adjusted to my 2% grade. Just behind the church to the left the lattice connects with the tunnel I put in last summer. As it comes around the front and past the rocks it climbs the grade and crosses over the top of the tunnel. Unfortunately the other photo didn’t turn out so I’ll have to take another one tomorrow. It’s getting there.

![|800x450]( section lattice_1_1.JPG)

Great looking adjustment Chuck. Is that an apple orchard? I like the effect.

Doc Watson

Why yes Don that is an apple orchard that my wife planted. The church is sitting where the farm house goes and just behind the apple trees is where the pasture area with animals are located. And somewhere by the purple colored flowers is where the barn goes but unfortunately the barm was hit by a dust devil last fall and blew apart. So now I’m looking for a new barn. I think this time I’ll try a plastic one maybe Piko or Aristo-Craft if I can find one cheap.

Don Watson said:

Is that an apple orchard? I like the effect.

Doc Watson

Me too!

Looks great Chuck

Thanks for the comments guys. Here are the other two pictures that I couldn’t load up last night. The first picture showes the lattice going behind the church and into the tunnel. The second picture showes the lattice climbing the grade and turning to the left over the top of the tunnel. If you look just over the top of the church you can see the bridge between the miniature spruce trees. Of course their not very miniature anymore. The last picture is the local freight. I had to stage this picture for my wife’s garden club because she hosted an open house last Monday and their editor for the clubs newsletter wanted a picture for an article.


Forecast for Wednesday 104º F — that is plenty of F… :wink: