Large Scale Central

I've been workin on the railroad

Well after alot of help and suggestions from folks here, I think I have some happy track. I won’t really know until I run the trains, but that will have to wait until next weekend. I plan to dress it up a little with a top coat of rock, but want to wait to see if there are any problems first. I have posted some pics any suggestions or thoughts or potential problems, I welcome some constructive criticism.

Shelley, nice work… Layout looks good… :slight_smile:

I think it looks great. You have definately put a lot of work into it.

Nice!!! I love looking at other peeps stuff! thanks for sharing

Lookin good Shelley

You work fast :wink:
Nice job.

Your line’s looking good. How wide are those curves? They look substantial.

Thanks for all the looks and comments.
I made the curves as wide as the real estate would allow, I’m thinking 9’ on the inside and maybe 12’ on the outside; hard for me to actually measure. I did make a template ; bent a pice of 1" plastic tubing and then screwed a board across to hold the shape. So that’s how I grossly figured the curves.
Looking forward to a very nice LONG weekend.

I think you did a good job. Track with the balast looks great.

Shelly, the track looks good. I will be glad when I finish the maintenance this summer and I can run trains. The winter took a toll on the ballast.

I think Mother Nature eats ballast. I found places on the rr where there was plenty of ballast last fall and NONE in the Spring!

Doug Arnold said:
I think Mother Nature eats ballast. I found places on the rr where there was plenty of ballast last fall and NONE in the Spring!
Doug, I didn't know you had a question about that. Yep, ballast is an interesting mystery.

I figured that in our dry desert it wouldn’t disappear but, alas, the ballast-eating monster visits us too!

Well, I guess if you used sand it would stick around and you just have to redistribute it to where you want it. :wink:

What did or do the big guys use in your area?

Actually I figure some of our desert winds carry it away. So far we haven’t had any g scale sand dunes!

Looking good Shelley :slight_smile:

'scuse my misspelling your name. Thanks Roos. You trying to get in good with Fred ?
