Large Scale Central

It's bridge season!

After seeing Jerry and Fred’s truss bridge pictures I finally got the inspiration today to get moving on mine. I was putting it off as I figured it would take a lot of time. However to my surprise I have a finished base truss bridge in primer and only 6 hours were spent at my garage.(I hate going there on the weekend I see it enough Mon thru Fri.) I still need to detail it yet.

Building the base

It was all free handed no jig was used as I figured I would spend more time making a jig than just free handing it.

Moving right along

All welded up and ready for paint

Another angle

Brought it home and primed it

Ready for detail and paint. Thanks for your inspiration here. Can’t wait to get it on the line. It’s a bit on the high side but I wasn’t sure what I might purchase in the future like a stack train etc? I want to make redwood ties and try some hand laying across the span. Overall outside size is 49" long 12 1/2" high and 9 1/2 wide. Total material were around $80 so I’m happy. As Ron Hayward stated I need to “shake up a rattle can” and get some paint on her. Before anyone asks, the building in the background is a model of my garage and this is why I’m searching for scale saabs and volvos. Try not to beat me up too bad as I’ve recently starting scratchbuilding…I’m not a rivet counter but I really enjoy the finished products that I have made so far and that’s all that counts right? David

…I really enjoy the finished products that I have made so far and that’s all that counts right?..
Now can you build me one? :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Wow, good job! Wish I had known how to weld, but it worked out well.

Wow, nice bridge!

Thanks guy’s …I’m really enjoying scratch building ,never tried it before as I thought I would get disgusted.

Yup, looks like a wonderful bridge… great job…

Bridge season?

What kind of gun do you use to hunt bridges?

Magnetron ?

I gotta get me a welder!


Yeah well there is a wrench in the works…the bridge I’m modeling and the pictures I took of it several months ago have changed track work wise. I drove by today and N.S> has reworked the tie strapping and added guardrails!!!
There wasn’t any in the pics I had…now I have to change my track work with in the bridge which is ok with me as the new design looks easier to make…

Got my redwood ties cut and roughed it in on the line today.




The creek will have to wait till spring. The bridge resting on the concrete slab(right) covering the 30’ deep old limestone outhouse hole.

Quote - “30’ deep old limestone outhouse hole”

We referred to these as ‘thunderboxes’. I really have little idea as to the origins, but maybe a little imagination would provide an answer. Recent environmental directions have seen national parks converting back to this evo-friendly method of waste management.

Back on topic - excellent bridge work. I am always enthused by the welding ability of individuals. I tried it as part of my apprenticeship over 40 years ago, but never got the hang of it.

Good looking bridge made on the fly!
Never got the mig, tig, any form of gas welder down right but give me a stick with a stinger and off I go!