Large Scale Central

It's all Vic's Fault!

Vic & his Tin Plate Layout did it.

Made me remember being a 9 year old boy with his first electric train set.

Christmas 1959, I got a Sears/Marx-Allstate O27 Steam Freight Set.

Only took 52 years, but I recently acquired a '72 Lionel Blue Streak Freight Set

and have the 3 rail fever again.

Yup, it’s all Vic’s Fault.

At least that’s what I tell SWMBO…

Oh yeah like I forced you to buy it :wink:

Actually Vic, I bartered for the trains.

Cutting down on the excess misc. things that are cluttering up my storage area, (no trains),

while we’re getting ready to sell the house & move.

I’m working on a deal with the same guy for a couple of sets of tin plate cars (some have your name on them, to repay you for your kindness)…

Of course once the Kool Aid has been drank…

I just couldn’t pass up on 3 Marx Trains sets, a big box of track, switches,crossovers,

& another big box full of accessories…

The price was extremely reasonable, less than what I would have paid for the track alone…