Large Scale Central

It's a disease ...

So people get carried away … too many loco’s, box cars, etc.

Not just trains…

some have multiple chainsaws …etc…

We started with two horses that we ride on trails…

Now …

That means that the trains are on that list …you want to do what … so I’m live thru this and other train forums…

Oh what little darlings!!! I love minix. I have a horse rescue place not far and they aleays have some. So far resisted but I am on the temporary overflow list.

Enjoy the sweeties!!

All is good …if the Wife is happy then all is happy… good so far… (

Horses are the spawn of Satan. Last time I was on a horse I weighed close to 350 pounds (probably why the horse wanted me off) and the cinch strap broke and the saddle started to slide. Well she launched me into the air and I landed on my kidney. I decided that was the last time I needed to ride a horse.

They are great animals. I know my sister and her horse have a bond much like people and dogs do.

Devon, back in the days of your railroad, horseback riding was the most common form of personal travel. Horseback riding can be fun.

This has always been a dream of mine.

Devon Sinsley said:

Horses are the spawn of Satan.

I’m reminded of a Sherlock Holmes quote: “Horses are dangerous on both ends and crafty in the middle.” :slight_smile:

My first job out of high school was at a resort out in the back country. They had horses you could rent, although you had to have a “guide” go with you and it was set route. I used to do it as often as I could afford to. It was fun. However, the horses were mostly old, semi-retired, and could go the entire route without the rider doing anything. They were usually pretty anxious to get back to the stable, so the closer you’d get to the end of the ride, the faster they wanted to go!