Large Scale Central

Is This Large Enough?

Interesting HJ.

What software are you using to make a track layout and do it so fast?

Victor Smith said:

The two train shows I have taken the Pizza to have had nothing but overwhelmingly positive responces to, even the dyed in the wool HO guys enjoyed it.


In this case the question is “Is This Large Enough?” and it just so happens Dennis already has 1:20.3 equipment. Which changes the ball game in big way. Squeezing things to below 1200mm rad is probably not a good idea.

@ Dennis,

AnyRail, it is quite nifty, especially for quick doodling that gives you the basics with refinement add later. You can download a trial version - only limitation is number of objects you can add to your own plan. You can open a large plan and look at all the info for every object, you just can’t add a lot more.

Hey Dennis,

Here’s the indoor layout I’m planning for this winter. I have a protion of my old garage that is 18’ wide by 31’ long. The layout will be 15’ x 28’ because I have to leave a 3’ asle on the front and side for access to the loft and the electrical panel. The smallest curve track is 8’ diameter with a custom curve of 54" radius in some places. It’s an over and under with lots of area for switching (not put in yet). Anything is possible.

It is so hot here the Internet is melting i.e. the connection has been iffy for 2+ days, today the phone and the cable (all the same outfit) went on the blink, too. OK since we’re now talking 1:20.3 and slightly different room dimensions.


The lower loop is at 0, the upper loop at +450mm (18"), the grade is 2.1%, general theme Mining district with a bit of ranching on the top level. As mentioned once you plan on 4ft rad as the minimum the space gets used up in a real hurry. OTOH there is space for scenery. Oooops better post that in Imperial, the grid is 12"


One more for illustration


I see some serious reach issues, big areas are inaccessible. Can you cut some access holes in the center of those circles? Three foot maximum reach is about as far as you want unless its built like the tinplate guys and you just walk over the layout itself.

That’s where one uses liftouts - pieces of light weight scenery on the styrofoam principle. Having return loops and 180º bends will always result in those hard to reach places. And given the min. rad in 1:20.3 there isn’t much to fix it … other than built it absolutely bullet proof with perfect track work and no “good enough” stuff.

Would I suggest the loop to loop for this space? No, I’d go for the boring “around the wall” stuff and make that as interesting as possible. BTW I’ve read a few write-ups where people built the stuff to be walked on, but …
Of course on can also try to get all sidings as close to the edge of the layout as possible, but in a mining district the plausibility will soon fly out the window.

My indoor layout was built to be walked on…But I usually managed to pull a “Godzilla” and stomp/knock something over!

Access hole/Scenic lift out: same idea. I wish I had a room this large to devote to a layout, have some really interesting John Allen sized ideas :wink:

John Allen? That sounds as dated as some of the 50s 60s types of trackplans some people still use when they start layout projects … and then they go one better and combine two of those ancient chestnuts. Pure nostalgia! :confused: :confused:

I was thinking more along the lines of scale of the humongous basement filler, not the specific plan. Its would most likely end up with alot more Malcolm Furlow in it than John Allen. Believe me neither of those two combined could match my psychotic vision when money and space cease to be limitations, be afraid! :lol:

OK lets try loading this layout one more time.

This is getting frustrating!!!

newp, Chuck… didn’t work

Never Mind.

newp, chuck, still didn’t work…

I don’t know how anyone else does it, but I open the forum in one window, and my freightshed in a new window(not a new tab, a new window)… In the freight shed, I find the picture I want to display and have that picture showing in the freightshed window, and then I highlight and copy the location line in my toolbar slot at the top of the AOL page… Once that is done, I open the forum window, and paste that copy into the forum entry window… That works for me, and I have no ““you can’t do spaces”” issues… all my picture titles in my freightshed have spaces in the titles… If that’s not clear, sorry, as I know of no other way to explain it…

Victor Smith said:
I was thinking more along the lines of scale of the humongous basement filler, not the specific plan. Its would most likely end up with alot more Malcolm Furlow in it than John Allen. Believe me neither of those two combined could match my psychotic vision when money and space cease to be limitations, be afraid! :lol:
Welllllllllllll, that means there would be no end to write-ups and pictures in the Klambake press would there? :lol: :lol: And a special issue on how to fill a really large space with the most unlikely scenery, track arrangements and special effects e.g. sound effects: instead of having the usual squealing wheels there would be moaning and groaning wheels etc. etc. Instead of having swaybacked cars you could have hunchbacked cars, with bungee cords instead of truss rods to enhance the effect. There are unlimited possibilities! :P :lol:

And to off-set the fun from the “fun”, here one more for that space.


1:20.3 with mines, the red track in town is the transfer track to the standard gauge. Less reach required and running two trains that are just slightly longer than the passing sidings should be lots of fun.

Chuck Inlow said:
Never Mind.

Chuck’s layout…


HJ I like that last layout

Thanks Jon for getting my indoor layout posted. I’m with Vic, I kind of like the last design that HJ came up with.

The designs are very interesting. It shows a lot of thought in what will fit into this space. HJ others have got me thinking again.

Thanks for the design ideas, might have to shelve my original plan and just go with a folded loop design.

No basement until the beginning of next year.

If you have other ideas it would be nice to see them also.