Large Scale Central

IPP&W/RP&M Operations by the OVGRS 2018

Despite having been hit by two tornados, one a category 4, the operating session went ahead on Saturday. The advantage of battery power when the electricity is out. Everybody is safe and well.

Presumably the victuals and coffee was dealt with using portable heating methods. I guess the bottles and cans were probably cool enough anyway. (

Looks as if it was a bit chilly up there, too…(

As usual, the BBQ was fired up, and sausages were served at noon. Yes, Alan, the liquid refreshments were still kept cool in the bar fridge. The only thing missing was the coffee, as the 'tricity was not active, to power up the coffee makers.

Somehow, everyone managed to have a great time, and already the crew call list is made up for next Saturday…and to think we do this every Saturday…!!!

…oh, the “Happy Dutchmann”, Henk, was not available for the full morning, so his “Birthday Cake” is to be available next Saturday.

Henk claims it is a Dutch tradition, that he should present a birthday cake on his birthday, for his friends to enjoy. Henk’s birthday is supposedly today, Monday September, 24th.

Fred Mills

Please pass on birthday wishes to Henk! We got word of the storms hitting Ottawa and had concern about the safety of our friends and damage to their property. Our prayers go out to all that suffered. It is good to see that the mail was still running, passenger trains on time and things were as normal as could be in the IPP&WRR area. Thanks to Mike and Steve for bringing the “News of Ironwood” to those that are interested.

Fred Mills. said:

Henk claims it is a Dutch tradition, that he should present a birthday cake on his birthday, for his friends to enjoy. Henk’s birthday is supposedly today, Monday September, 24th.

Fred Mills

Tell Henk it’s an American Tradition to save your friends a piece…I will be looking for it at the next Invasion.

And tell’em I said “Happy Birthday!”


To Ken and Rick,

Thanks for your good wishes.

We will have some cake in July 2019.


Our last run in September now lets see how many we can get in next month. Visitors from Texas and Henke’s birthday cake!

I know you guys are coming to the last run of the year. It is also Canada’s Thanksgiving Celebration. I hope you guys can be thankful for the unique operations that all of you have achieved. I am thankful that you let us join in and also for the great reporting of each week’s events. Always enjoyable.


How many birthdays does Henke have each year?

Texas??? Word’s getting around Fred. Polar bears and skiing aren’t the only reasons to visit Canada…(

You are quite correct, Ken…in spite of me, there are some pleasant people here too…who enjoy having fun RAILROADING with friends.

Fred Mills

This is the Canadian thanksgiving weekend, and Mike notes a number of things he is thankful for this year. We are blessed to be able to enjoy model railroading with the friends we have met through the hobby.

Have a very Happy Thanksgiving, fellas…(

Ken Brunt said:

Have a very Happy Thanksgiving, fellas…(

Happy Thanksgiving guys !

Thank You all, for your FRIENDSHIP…it makes life worth living.

Fred Mills

Steve McKenzie said:

This is the Canadian thanksgiving weekend, and Mike notes a number of things he is thankful for this year. We are blessed to be able to enjoy model railroading with the friends we have met through the hobby.

A bit late to the party I guess - put it down to time differences! (

Anyway, I hope everyone in the Old Dominion had a great time on their Thanksgiving. I am sure there is still time to raise a glass - even of a day late. (

I hope you manage a couple - or even more - runs before the winter hits you. Those who follow Steve’s blog will miss it in the winter.

HAPPY THANKSGIVING to our Northern friends. Give a second to reflect on all we have.

Fred recently hosted a film maker using the layout as a back drop for a music video. We managed to catch him actually operating!

Steve McKenzie said:

Fred recently hosted a film maker using the layout as a back drop for a music video. We managed to catch him actually operating!

Any possibility this video will make it to Youtube or somewhere that we can watch the whole video? Sounds interesting.