Large Scale Central

Invasion 2007

Wow. What a trip. From Doug’s layout to the museum to running on the IPP&W to Dave’s layout. A whirlwind indeed. Some pictures. Jean, Nicole, Barb, and Marilyn enjoy Doug’s garden, with the train running around.

Jan ran her new loco around Doug’s layout.

We were lucky to find a place to eat for our crowd.

We headed over to the IPP&W that Thursday, but the rain was still going pretty good. Fred and crew had set the cars out, so there were loads ready to go.

Meanwhile, the ladies moved their conversation inside where Fred had made room to charge the locomotives.

And, the many facets of operations were discussed and debated.

Friday dawn brought rain. And more rain. There were even downpours. And, more rain. But, Fred came to the rescue and we got an inside look at the transportation museum. Truly awesome.

No pictures were allowed of the good stuff! :wink: The day wasn’t over - but the rain was done. So, back to the IPP&W to try things out before it got dark.

Ric’s little car got lots of attention!

Saturday dawn brought a clear blue sky. After another great breakfast at “Chances R”, we headed back to the IPP&W for a great operations session.

OK…that was just to test the waters, waiting for our assignments. Doug provided the briefing.

Jean was the engineer on the train we were assigned. I was the conductor. We both had a great time.

This year, the army was called out to defend the fort.

After the great session, Doug, Ric and I triple headed our Shays, pulling about 30 cars or so…

What a great day!

You guys are just having too much fun…:smiley:

Thanks for your overview of that great weekend.

Couldn’t have asked for better timing! Walked out of the museum and the rain stopped…it was a race back to Fred’s to get the train running…:wink: