Large Scale Central

Interesting RR equipment

Yep Plazer Tamper and Ballast regulator in the back of it.

All I see is a big orange and gray blur. :wink:

It is a ballast tamper.

Or, more tchnically, a glopitta-glopitta machine.


Sorry about the crappy photos guys. I guess it’s time to buy a new digital camera. This phone camera just doesn’t cut it.

Looked just fine to me, Sir.


David Hill said:
Sorry about the crappy photos guys. I guess it's time to buy a new digital camera. This phone camera just doesn't cut it.
Not to fret Dave. I've taken similar quality photos with my 10 megapixel digital camera. Myself, I'm a relic. My cell phone doesn't take pictures or play MP3's. Imagine that :D Ralph