Interesting new battery using potassium, probably years away, but the issues they had was dendrite formation.
Dendrites form “shorts” between the battery “plates” in rechargable batteries, and are the main problem people often see with nicads, and others, where you charge it, it appears to be fully charged but very little capacity.
The picture in the article is a nice graphic that gets the message across (the other failure in rechargables is the electrolyte just “wearing out” normally drying out) and you can see how the dendrites reduce the amount of electrolyte that can be used for storing charge.
Also interestingly their method for eliminating dendrite buildup is the same as we used to do on nicads, a high current “Blast” whichsort of vaporizes the shorting dendrites, so a 50 year old technique applied to a new battery but supposedly more controlled in application.
I still have 2 BFC’s (Big F**king Capacitors) for zapping old nicads…
Funny how some things still do not change much…