For years I’ve been meaning to go see the South Carolina Railroad Museum. I was finally inspired by Jim Massfeller’s story to make the trip. In the end, my procrastination paid off. Because of Jim’s story, I knew what to look for, and had a better understanding of what I was seeing. Due to the large number of pictures I took, I’m going to break it up into several posts. I’m going to start with the Rion Quarry. The museum train passes through here, but does not stop. However, I found my way back to the quarry. To me, it was the most interesting part of my trip.
The granite block scale house.
The maintenance building. As Jim stated, this building is in danger of falling in. The roof on both ends of the building has collapsed. I also noticed a severe crack running top to bottom on one of the end walls. I took a couple of pictures from the doorways. I would have liked to go inside and take pictures, but really didn’t feel it was safe.
With apologies to Jim, I pilfered one of his photos so that you may better understand what you are seeing.
Here we have what’s left of the large (loading?) tower.
This is at the base of the large tower. It travels underground.
Two of these are at the foot of the “underground”.
Stay tuned. More to come after I get another cup of coffee and a smoke. Ralph