At present I am building a model of this combine. It is unusual in that it has only seven windows on each side and access to the baggage area is by normal two-panel entry doors each side and not the normal three/four-panel doors associated with a combine. Two-panel doors were normally associated with mail cars and RPO’s.
Information is indeed scarce as I do not have a reference library and have only one very grainy mobile phone image from 2000, showing a very deteriorated car. I know that it has been purchased by a museum for restoration but as yet no restoration commenced. The site does not even have a photograph of the car. The photograph appears to show rivetted sill side plates, commonly used on baggage/RPO cars, fitted to the baggage section only of the car. I do not know if this is an original D&RGW modification or a later ‘restoration’ addition. I have not seen any photographs of combines with the strengthening plates added.
The car is 38’ 4" outside body length with duckbill roof ends. A point that I need clarifying is the rear platform entry to the baggage section of the car. The plan drawing shows an entry only but not the usual platform entry on cars, as no indication of ‘door swing’ drawn as is usual for these drawings. The opening is seemingly wider than usual. It may have had a sliding door fitted. The grainy photograph that I have is not very specific and there does seem a larger void than usual on the rear platform entry to the baggage area.
Any information would be appreciated.