Large Scale Central

Indiana Jones Circus Train

This is the 1st car for my version of the cricus train from Indiana Jones III. Car started out as a LGB stock car.


Been awhile since i posted pictures… forgot how to do it.

Thts looks great. I have often thought of trying to model this. Great job

Scott Johnson said:

This is the 1st car for my version of the cricus train from Indiana Jones III. Car started out as a LGB stock car.


Very nice Scott …the floating wooden bridge ties that drop into the manufactured track ties works very well for me. However I have never had a giraffe pounding the rails on my RR. Only a gorilla and an elephant that created total caos years ago. Never under estimate the strength of an Elephants trunk or possibly a giraffes neck !

Pete Thornton said:




Can’t wait to see the car carrying the belligerent rhino who keeps ramming his horn through the roof. That somehow made me think of an old “Hot Shots” movie joke (my brain is wired odd).

What do you do with an elephant with three balls? (Answer) Walk him and pitch to the rhino!

Ducking and weaving, David Meashey

that is something to make observers look twice.

good idea, excellent realization.

does your layout have any tunnels?

Beautiful job, excellent detail!

Rooster ’ said:

Pete Thornton said:



I had queried the lack of pics. Scott corrected the problem.

“does your layout have any tunnels?”


Tunnels are just a minor problem for giraffes. Theoretically at least, they could just duck their heads like the Lionel classic giraffe car. Now my hatchling dragon transport is another story. Even though it has a depressed center, it still rules out any tunnels. Currently it is not a problem as they are only being taken from Minis Tirith to a short distance into Fangorn Forrest.

Have fun, David Meashey

Very nice, and well done! Are you going to model the whole train? That would be really cool.

I loved the train sequence in that movie, although it had many errors from a railroading standpoint. For one thing the train used was narrow gauge, and no circus would have its own narrow gauge cars. The few circuses that had their own trains used standard gauge because they needed to go all over the country. Of course the average movie goer would be unlikely to notice or recognize the gauge.

Thanks for the nice comment. I will have to come up with my own artwork for the Lion and the Rhino car the animals will not look exactly like the original cars but close. I am using a Bachmann c-19 for the motive power. I am also going to have to flat cars with loads as well as taking a shot at the outside braced caboose. I found some script drawings that had a passenger car as well, but it was not in the movie. I am goin to add that as well. 8 cars counting the caboose + Loco = 9 car train. Will paint the Loco close to whats in the movie with the red accents.I have always enjoyed your desert adventures as well as your museum quality modeling!!