Large Scale Central

In need of some Positive Mojo

I’ve been working as a temp for the past month…ordinarily you have to work 90 days or 500 some plus hours to get considered for fulltime…

Yesterday I got pulled into the office to take the test for fulltime employment…

Seems that this is a runaround a lot of other temps in the shop, not saying that I’m a super employee, or that its fair, but hey ya gotta look out fer Numreo Uno sometimes…

For all I know the other temps have all tested way in the past and I’m still a bottom feeder at the bottom of the list…BUT

There have been 5-6 folks quit in the last two weeks…as of Monday I’ll be the senior guy on my job…the night shift QUIT…and they are transferring the kid I work with to another job in the plant. (They rotate ya every 6 months or so) so I get a rookie on Monday…

At anyrate…its a dollar pay raise which is always good…and I NEED all the positive energy y’all can generate on this one guys!

Nobody can hustle them bars better than you Bart :smiley: THINK POSITIVE :slight_smile:

You’ll find your place! Somehow, I’ve found myself back to the bottom of the heap every 6 years or so


Oh, you were looking for something positive… sorry :smiley:

Fate is a strange bed fellow. You never know, who, what or where something is going to happen. It is beneficial to yourself (and everyone around you) to look at the positive side of any event. Faith allows you to accept many things that seem like a negative with “that is the way it is suppose to be” and a statement of absolute faith. Be thankful for the simple things and enjoy the fact that some people will never understand your satisfaction with life. Congratulations! Remember a good day is not having to reload before lunch.

Just before I returned to the Army I worked for some Japanese slavers in a car parts factory, I know your pain as I went through the same thing,

   Be patient 

        Be motivated

             Be confident

                   Be YOURSELF  (with out stepping on their ways/ideas)

                        They like it that way!!

                                        Knock em dead, U DA MAN!!!!!

  • Motivation…sry that was lame…

Your a train guy what more could they ask for.

You’re a good worker, and do a fine job…they are happy to have you. They get the job done in a dependable manner, and you get the full time job. You are both winners.
More money for food, rent and TRAINS. Good show, Bart.

I get lots of praise, but no raise…go for the money! lol

Bart, I worked as a temp forty years ago in NYC, and lasted exactly one day.

My task was to alphabetise stuff in several large filing cabinets. I think they expected the job to take at least a week. I skipped lunch and knocked it off in a day. The folks in the office where I was working were awe-struck, and I lapped up their praise.

Late in the afternoon, I was told the Big Boss wanted to see me. Being young and stupid, I actually thought he was going to thank me for doing such a good job. Instead, he growled about my dress standard (I wasn’t wearing a tie - I’d gone to the temp agency that AM dressed for warehouse work) and told me I’d better be appropriately attired the next day.

Can’t remember exactly what I said as I told him to sign where it said “GOOD-BYE” on my work sheet, but I clearly recall he didn’t feel compelled to make any further comment. I also remember that the lady at the temp agency wasn’t thrilled to see me when I rocked up the next morning. Didn’t worry me much - I was young and fit and there was plenty of work around, so I could afford to stand on my soap box.

If that happened today, I’d shut up and wear a tie. Well, at least I think I would . . . .

A simple “thank you” is a valuable way to cement a relationship. I hope your employer, aside from giving you a raise, keeps that in mind.

Dave Healy said:
A simple "thank you" is a valuable way to cement a relationship. I hope your employer, aside from giving you a raise, keeps that in mind.
What? "Thank you"? Good heavens, man, it's against the Management Code!

Welp its official…as of 5-13-08 I’m a full time employee for Allevard Springs USA…as I’m on Midnight shifts…this comes with a $1.50 pay raise…

Still not sure what my permanent job willl be, but I have to spend two eight hour days in Orientation…so last night was my last midnight shift…Will know more tomorrow!