It occurred to me that many if not most of today’s large scalers have little awareness and appreciation for R1 (4 foot diameter) and R2 (5 foot diameter) curves and turnouts. This is fine for those of who have plenty of money and land but it loses sight of the fact that the hobby really got its start in Germany and the UK where few people have large yards and little free indoor space.
I wonder if the hobby is loosing potential new members who give up because they don’t have room for 20’ diameter curves.
By comparison these upper and lower freight & passenger yards are made up of 35 R1 Electric Turnouts and 45 R1 Curves plus straight track. Everything is 100% R1 -not because I would not have used R3 curves & turnouts but because there was only enough space available if I used R1 everything.
The end result was that only locos & rolling stock that can run on R1 curves was purchased for and used on this layout.
Actually I get a lot more action in a much smaller space so I have been very pleased with it.
I would not discourage anyone from going with wider curves I would just not discourage them from using smaller curves if they have serious space limitations to live with.