Its pretty bad when everyone I know says to me at this time of year something to the effect: " isn’t that modeling contest happening, what you making?". I live 11 months out of the year, merely existing, until Dave finally says “go”, How pathetic am I?
The answer is in your mirror. We won’t say. Other than
How pathetic!(
I don’t know if this will console you,but I don’t have a life either…
You’re not alone, Devon.
Devon, welcome to the “club”.
I hear you Devon and no you are not a geek. Some of my best custom built stuff was born from the build challenge and I also look forward to what the next one will be.
This year is going to be hard though. I have been remodeling a house on the week days that is over an hour away from me and all my tools are there. Depending on what the challenge is I might find myself building something there.
I do believe Rooster said it all ^^^^^^ there… hehehe (
Just as pathetic as the rest of us.
Even the closet geeks.
Rooster ’ said:
Thanks Rooster…
We have one of those meters on our Ho Layout… lol. Ours is mounted right on the first Ho trains module inside the door. Proud of it…hee hee.(