Large Scale Central

I'll play the Impromtu Game too!

I actually started out to do some ACTUAL work on the physical plant, but ended up running trains…

Extra 117 arriving in Pearce Yard…actually I had pushed the hoppers out of storage so I could get the locomotive out, but whut the hay…

117 runs around the hopper string to place them on the mineral interchange tracks…

Having picked up the cabin that was waiting on the wye, 117 backs the hoppers down to the mineral dump…

Running around the buggy to start building the freight train…

Pulling the freight consist out through the wye and getting ready to back down to get the buggy…

Short freight arriving at Buchanan…

Looks great, Bart…

Kewl…like that purple reefer…:wink:

It’s all a game, sometimes the rules change. Thanks for sharing.

Looks good Bart but I still say that burple reefer needs a weathering job of about 10 coats of iron oxide. :wink: