Large Scale Central

I need help! I want to lay track on my wall

Sounds corny, but I want to lay track for my G gage train fastened to the wall and ceilling.
I want to do this in my basement so I can run my train in any weather and I don’t have to put up with weeds.
Can any one help me out. Any info would help, coming over and giving me a hand is even better. LOL
PA soil likes to grow weeds too much…
Also I was wondering if buying rails and laying the track myself would be better in the long run over premade.
And where to buy rails and what would I need to do this. I have to watch my radious because one of the trains I would like to run on it is my LGB B&O Streamline steam passenger train whitch has 3 ft long cars.
Also need a good sourse to buy rails…
Thanks in advance

10ft. diameter curves, to run the bigger stuff, I wouldn’t go any smaller bigger is better. I did my ceiling layout with it, and just used particle board cut in lengths and about a foot wide put em up with the shelf brackets you can get a Wally Weird. Easy Peasey has been up for 10+ years only thing is needs dusting all the time and with my bad knees I wish now I would have made it just high enough to set trains on by standing on one of those step stools and yet high enough to walk under. Regal

p. s. Arist or USA track is the best might find some deals on the “Evil Bay” I use a Train Engineer on my ceiling layout but have converted most of my Engines to QSI/G-wire for my outdoor layout. It’s Easey Peasey and cost effective and is simple to install in especially Aristo engines, and hopefully soon to be USA too.

There are many easy ways to do an indoor run fastened too the wall and ceiling but I can’t help on any as I run outdoors in PA. :wink:



Have a look at Locoboose Systems for ceiling suspended systems:
Have a look at AML flex track, available at many G gauge suppliers.
Be sure to have guard rails so that in case of a derail, your loco won’t nosedive to the floor.

Nothing better than trains outdoors! …just my opinion.

I built ““Planter Shelves”” on my walls upstairs to run trains on…




Frame with 2X4’s, top has 1/2 inch plywood added, then it’s wrapped in drywall… Took a 2X4, then cut some pieces 9 inches long, and screwed them to the 2X4, like fingers at about 16 inch intervals… Located the studs on the wall, then marked a level line around the room, then screwed the 2X4 with the fingers attached into the wall studs & finished the ends of the fingers with another 2X4… Cut & attached plywood to the top, for added strength, the cut & wrapped the whole thing in Drywall… Then you need to Tape & plaster the gaps & screw holes in the drywall, then paint… The corners were filled by cutting 2X4’s to fit, angled from one wall to the other once the 12 inch sections were screwed to the wall studs…

Don’t even start on the “Outdoors is better than indoors” thing. Don’t even.

Bob McCown said:
Don't even start on the "Outdoors is better than indoors" thing. Don't even.
I did say it was just my opinion. Fair enough ;)
Bob McCown said:
Don't even start on the "Outdoors is better than indoors" thing. Don't even.
OK, how about track power is better than batteries? Or DCC is better than sliced bread? Or batteries/RC are better than DCC/Track Power? Is there anybody's sacred cow that I haven't slaughtered, yet? :lol:
Steve Featherkile said:
Is there anybody's sacred cow that I haven't slaughtered, yet? :lol:
Steam vs. ... wait, what else [i]is[/i] there? ;)



Steam VS. Clockwork Kevin…not vested …just sayin’…

Andy! LOVE that solution! Now I gotta sell the wife and mother on the idea…yeah…probably not. Still I’ll ask.


WOOOOOW!! there…
All I asked for is information and help on running track around my wall.
I don’t want to start a fight here!!
All trains are the best it’s kinda like when your kids ask you, which one you like the best.
I don’t know what U would say, but I alwas told them that I loved them all… And that was the truth to.
I like all trains bats dc and ac let us not forget the push pulls to. ect. ect

Don’t worry about a fight these guys are just bustin each others stones :wink:

Looks great!
What radius did you make at the corners?
I have 2 rooms 1 room at oppasite ends of the house with a connecting hall way.
What would you suggest?
Thanks in advance

Technically if your running all LGB you could run corners with as small as R1 (4ft dia) as LGB is fully R1 compatable, it will just look odd doing so.

Without knowing how big is the room your planning to place this or its configuration, I would suggest planning on going no wider than 6.5’ dia curves if you looking at a ceiling or wall mount, personally I would go no wider than 5’ dia if I was wall mounting. The reason being that unless you own a McMansion with 20’ x 40’ rooms. anything wider than 6.5’ dia is going to stick so far out away from the walls at the corners as to look way worse than running the long cars on short curves. if your planning on ceiling mounting then you plan wider but wall mounting has limits as with most installations in a typical house with 10’ dia curves will end up just being a big circle on the ceiling. 10’ dia outside on the ground is very very different than 10’ dia inside above your head. Some compromise between the size of the track and the functionality of the room will have to be made.

When I had my ceiling layout I used commercial shelf brackets mounted into the wall studs with commercial pine shelving as the running surface and custom cut plywood corners. Even with small R1 curves the corners stuck out very promenently, thats why I said some compromise between the curve width and the room width will have to be determined.

I do like Andy’s drywall soffits above though.

I have never run an engine on small radius but the IHOP in Upland, Calif., has.

When they first set up their overhead they ran small LGB equipment for awhile but had to take a short break so their engines’ wheels could be replaced after the edges wore off!

larry mosher said:
Don't worry about a fight these guys are just bustin each others stones ;)

I could find some stones around here!

Nice bridges, gotta have a plow up north…
I like that, you can have the snow though.
On good thing to say about winter is the weeds don’t grow…

The back room is 24 ft deep and 11 ft wide in the back and 9 ft wide the front with, the hallway in the middle.
The hall is 3&1/2 ft wide 16 ft long +or - a foot or two.
The other end is 11 ft wide by 12 ft deep with the hallway at the back of the room.
The hall goes past a bedroom a bath and utility room oppose the bed room.
This is a semi-finished Basement.
I’ve been working on this for 5 years and a year off due to health.
I’m ready to go again.
I have decided to run the track along the main beam which is 48 ft. turn around at each end. The front room to run along the wall and the back to have a 5 ft
radius turnaround . This offers room for sidings to park trains . 2 sidings is all I have switches for right now.
Lets see 88 ft + 33 ft+ 36 ft=157 ft of track, that is not counting the siding.
That gives the shape of a turkey leg bone. odd isn’t it?