Large Scale Central

I need HELP for a train for a Miniature Golf Course

Rooster - We plan on featuring the coal tower and a number of other historic locations here. Among them, Brown’s Wagonworks, VEPCO (power company that had the tallest stacks in the world for some time), St. Lawrence Boom & Manufacturing (the company that started the logging boom and more or less created the town), and of course our depot.

Cliff - That’s a great idea for extending without extending. Although this was not a coal mining area (it was mostly logging) I can think of some great ways to display the railroad further.

John - I think you are underestimating our stupidity and sheer doggedness. We’re going to make it work one way or the other.


All excellent, Mark.

I’m glad you’re taking the historic prototype route, I think folks will appreciate that.

So here’s another twist. Come up with a bunch of historic railroad / logging photos from the area, having some sort of equipment & buildings, or events, captured. Then, for your fave’s, make a scene in the course to sort of emulate them.

That way, you can have several kinds of additional-interest features. Like, buy the pamphlet showing the photos, and see if you can find them all along the way. Or hidden feature identification scavenger hunt along the way, or after the golf. Or, improve your golf score with bonus points at the end, depending on what random trivia questions you can answer about the photos. Or, just have fun scenes and let it go at that.

Maybe get the local historical society to get involved. Or support from the local fire or police departments, just because it’s good for the community historical identity. And maybe some groups would like to lend a hand with the maintenance.


Cliff over thinking :thinking:

Cliff’s suggestions are welcome. Cliff, do you want to come work for me?

So, what else is new?

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Yes!! :heart_eyes:

Cliff’s sucking up and I don’t like steam locomotives or history anyway ! I’m just gonna stick with Amtrak !!

For me as a MODELER I just prefer to MODEL now I personally only model in any scale I like but being a modeler I prefer it that way!

Mark, when Rooster says something like…

… it’s pretty much his code for saying the opposite; a shout-out asking for understanding. He’s been working through an Amtrash fetish, but he’ll get through… with proper encouragement and meds.

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I would never call it Stupidity, or Doggedness, I was just speaking of what happens to most model railroad undertaking in the long run. I’ve seen many clubs, railroad projects, go buy the wayside for many reasons, I hope yours works out, being a model railroader for almost some 70 years I’ve seen a lot, looks like you have a good handle on what works and what doesn’t, good luck.


If you’re going to go the trough method in the dirt without concreting or raised wood, you’ll need to consider edging to keep the grass from invading.

I’m using straight plastic edging in only because I can’t get Master Mark edging here now. It’s a bit frustrating as it wants to wander and sink down during placement.

I once made a short run in my parents yard with Master Mark edging. It has a tube riding the top edge and a triangular ridge on the bottom which facilitates the soil to hold it in position.

I suspect, but cannot confirm that the tube might be useful for running irrigation drippers. Which, if they did would be a win-win situation.

Here are a couple of pictures


I have bricks standing/laying on my layout were there is grass

Sean, I like your black car with 2 horses leaning out. Can you tell us a bit more about that carriage?

One of them looks to be this:

Thanks Cliff,

Caught me by surprise though. I initially thought you were sharing an G-scale equine bordello site. :innocent:


Way, WAY back in the day (1950s), Lionel had a horse car like that. Their patent must have expired, because Bachman is now producing them in all sorts of scales (no TT or Z, YET).

Mine proclaim “Rides of Rohan, the finest horses in Middle Earth.”

Regards, David Meashey

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Going back on topic and was looking around Ronceverte a little bit and wondered if Mark knew about the Sanborn Maps? If not I think you will enjoy them Mark.

Good find, Rooster.

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John - I was calling it stupidity, and will continue to do so until it works.
Bill - We’re going to pour concrete.

Looking at the horse car brings back some memories. What little experience I have in model railroading goes back to my childhood. I have a boxed up train set that used to be my father’s from when he was a child. Lionel, probably WW2 era. We only had room to set it up properly in one home, so it has been in boxes for close to 50 years. One of the cars is a cattle car. It came with rubber cattle and a vibrating “pen” that would rattle the cows into the train. Some day it will go up again…