Well, since we are on the third page, and thread jacking in required, here is my story…
We had pulled into Singapore, and, surprise, surprise, anchored out in the Singapore Straits, rather than around back at Sembawang where the Navy usually ties up to get chandlery services. Our tie to land was by ship’s motor whale boat (MWB), and we touched land at Change Alley, one of the worlds great landmarks. I suppose its been gotten rid of by now by the Ladies Society for the Removal of All Things That Sailors Like, or some such. They got rid of the original Raffles Hotel, the iconoclasts. But, I digress, urban renewal is not the focus of this story.
That the motor whale boat was being used to ferry twelve sailors at a time (officers first, of course) meant that our deck apes had to paint the side of the ship hanging from a Bo’s’ns Chair, rather than from the safety of the MWB.
So, I’ll leave the deck apes dangling in their Bo’s’ns Chairs, painting away, while I proceed on liberty. Don’t worry about them, they are under the supervision of the Bo’s’n, Boatswain’s Mate Chief LongXXXX. They’ll be there when we get back.
We had some crazy runners aboard the ship, and some guys who wanted to be runners. I was one of the wannabe’s. We had heard that the Singapore Hash House Harriers were sponsoring a Hash (no, not that kind) and we wanted to participate, as it sounded like fun. The Harriers describe themselves as “Drinkers with a running problem.” It reminded me of a USMC FieldX, run around the booneys for a day, followed by good food and plenty of beer. I figured that I would be right at home. I was.
So, after a day of trail running, getting lost, “Checking”, finding the trail, “On, on,” and finally completing the course, there was more food and adult beverages than I had seen in one place in a long time. Of course, I had to sample one of each. Now, despite being a career sailor, I never really figured out how to handle adult beverages.
I’m sure they poured me into the motor whale boat on the way back, and used a Bo’s’ns Chair to hoist me aboard.
The next morning, the percussion section of the President’s Own Marine Corps Band was beating Tattoo between my ears and forhead. I bounced my way between the bulkheads aft to sickbay to get some Motrin. As I swallowed the Motrin, Boatswain Seaman Schmukitelli knocked on my sickbay door. He had fallen into the Singapore Straits. Now, it is well known that those straits are some of the foulest waters on earth, so I figured that I had better give him a gamma globulin shot to ward of whatever cooties he might catch. So, I opened the refrigerator door, and took out my bottle of GG, which was still unopened, and notice that the contents has the consistany of peanut butter.
Now, the last thing that I want to do is hold this bottle in my hand while it slowly warms up. What I want to do is hold my head in my hands, and try to get down some coffee. So, I give the bottle to the kid to hold in his hand. After about a half hour, he shakes my shoulder to wake me up, “Doc, I think its probably ok to use, now.”
I try to draw the GG up with a 22 gauge needle, but I can’t get suction, the stuff is still too thick, so I switch to an 18 g needle. That works. Now, I figure that if it takes an 18 g needle to draw it up, its going to take an 18 g needle to give the shot, so I tell him to drop his drawers, and bend over the treatment table. “Ready on the left, Ready on the Right, All ready on the firing line.” Bam, in goes the needle. I push on the plunger. Nothing. I push harder. Still nothing. I use both hands. Slow movement. Neither of our mornings is going well. Steady is as steady does. I finally empty the syringe. For his troubles, I give the kid a bed rest chit, but in true sailorly fashion, he says, “No thanks, I’ve got Liberty, today.”
So, I use his bed rest chit, and sleep off the Hash (The running kind).