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How to replace the traction tires on LGB Forney?

Both traction tires on one of my LGB Forney’s have fallen off. I have new traction tires which I’ve replaced on some of my LGB Moguls which is a pretty straightforward job. However, I don’t see how I can get to the drivers on the Forney. Does anyone know how to do this?

I’ve replaced sever traction tires on LGB engines. Looking a a pic of a LGB Forney I just don’t see a problem, you would first remove the side rod which would be removing the screw at each end, now you should be able to get the new tire on, only do one side at a time, this will keep the wheels properly quartered. You may also have to remove the slide piston rod as it could also be in the way. Since the old tires have come off the wheels, or if loose just cut them off. I do find that putting the new tire back on can be a problem, but I use a stiff 1/8" piano wire rod that has a small 90 degree at the end which is about 3/16" long and filed to a flat taper, this will allow the bent end of the wire to slip up under the new tire and help it around the wheel. You will also have to hold the starting place of the new tire as it will try to come off. This with the engine frame in front of the wheel is not easily done, but doing it slowly you can get it on there with the wire tool. Also removing the engine block from the engine is also another possibility, but without the engine in front of me I can’t see what to tell you. Good luck, it can be done, using the wire it works like a shoe horn and you are lipping it around the wheel.


I unscrew the slotted screw holding the siderod mechanisims to the axle. Then I remove the front and rear motor block screws. Now the whole motor block can be lowered for easy access to the wheels/tires to be replaced. This also gets you to the top of the block if motor replacement is needed.

Dan Pierce said:

I unscrew the slotted screw holding the siderod mechanisims to the axle. Then I remove the front and rear motor block screws. Now the whole motor block can be lowered for easy access to the wheels/tires to be replaced. This also gets you to the top of the block if motor replacement is needed.

Thanks Dan. I was able to replace both traction tires by removing the front and rear motor block screws and lowering the motor block. However, when I replace the motor block and apply power the motor does not turn. If I remove the screws again and pull the motor block out and apply power the motor turns. There’s no kinks in the cable which I can clearly see above the motor block. It appears to possibly be a short however, I don’t see anything it would short out on. Any ideas?

Does this engine have separate wires to the motor block or are they all in one connector. I ask as it canbe a single wire has a loose contact and you need togently squeeze it back togethar and to keep it tight I use heat shrink on these to keep them compressed.

Hi Dan, how do you remove the handrails without breaking the holders off to gain access inside the boiler.

Also when trying to slide off the smoke box this Forney needed a screwdriver to help separate from the boiler. Any recommendations on how to remove the smoke box and boiler, then slide the boiler back on without using a hammer to force the smoke box to meet the boiler??


Dan Pierce said:

Does this engine have separate wires to the motor block or are they all in one connector. I ask as it canbe a single wire has a loose contact and you need togently squeeze it back togethar and to keep it tight I use heat shrink on these to keep them compressed.

The wires are not separate. Here are images of what it looks like.

To remove the boiler you must remove the 2 small screws near the smoke stack and remove the smoke stack section first.

Then you can slide the rest of the boiler forward, brass rods just stay attached to the cab.

timmyd DeHan - Did you solve your track power pickup issue with your LGB Forney? It has to be an connectivity issue with the connector on the motor block…or it could be that 4-Wire cable’s connection to the inside circuit board is loose, or the cable itself could be broken inside. You may have to disassemble the Forney to then test the cable’s connections and the cable itself.

I have not solved the issue.